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How to Reward Excellent Writing on Medium

Christopher M. Cook


Have a cup of coffee, on me.

If you’re like me, you have read countless articles on Medium. Many have been good, some not so much. Occasionally, you come across a piece that stands apart. Of course, you give them applause, perhaps you leave a comment. But, as a member, your most significant tangible impact is the time you spend reading, which translates into financial compensation for the writer.

Because of Medium’s mysterious algorithm, it’s hard, if not impossible, to know how much impact you’re having. If you read a ton of articles, your five dollars a month is spread thin. Even if you spend the time reading a great piece two or three times, you’re probably still only throwing a few pennies the author’s way.

I’m not a fan of this. I preferred writer compensation being tied to claps. But that is out of my control.

However, there may a way to reward writers for great work. It is limited but impactful. I call it a windfall account. Essentially, you create a second Medium membership. Yes, this will require doubling your monthly investment from five to ten dollars. That may be out of reach for some, but for those that can afford it, it can be a lot of fun.

Here are the steps:

  1. Create your second Medium membership account, but do not use…

