I earned $100 for being a top writer on Medium

And it wasn’t even hard

E.M. DuBois


Photo by Andres Perez on Unsplash

When I woke up a few days ago to check my Medium stats, an unhealthy obsession that I have, I was surprised to find an extra hundred bucks as a bonus. Jackpot!

I was already pretty excited because I also hit the $100 per month mark for the first time just the day before. To wake up and see $206 as my payout was a pretty special feeling. I already have plans to dump it all into doggycoin or whatever the kids are calling it.

It struck me as odd that with all of the writers on Medium, I was selected as worthy of this prize. According to the email I received I was awarded the money for being in the top 1,001 to 1,500 writers for the month. May was the month I really began writing for real on Medium. I have seen estimates of as high as 175,000 writers on Medium so to be in the top 1,500 for engagement within one month of starting is pretty awesome.

So how did I do it?

The answer of course is consistency.

I started the month engaging in my own challenge, write one article per day for a year. In truth, I made it only around 22 days before other lucrative options came upon me and I stopped writing here for a bit. That is ok.



E.M. DuBois

E.M. is a teacher, freelance writer, husband, and father who loves writing creative non-fiction.