I’m A Top Writer In Social Media Apparently — Can Someone Tell Me Why?

Trying to understand the mystery of Medium’s algorithm

Jon & Caz Cole | Ink-Stained Hearts
Published in
5 min readJul 16, 2021


I’m A Top Writer In Social Media Apparently — Can Someone Tell Me Why? Trying to understand the mystery of Medium’s algorithm
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

How many of you have seen the following type of post on Medium Facebook groups or in articles here?

“I can’t believe it, I got an email this morning confirming I’m now a top writer in Gaming/Love/Movies/Parenting.” [delete as applicable!] I’m so excited.

How many of you had the same thought — how do I get one of these “top writer” tags, and what do I need to do to achieve this?

I’m guessing I’m not alone, and if you’re like me your next move will have been to research how other writers on Medium had this badge attached to their “About” page on their profile.

Maybe I’m also not alone when I say that even though I worked out what you need to do to become a “top writer”, I’m not sure how it happened when it did!

Climbing the Medium learning curve

When I joined Medium at the start of May, the concept of being a “top writer” in anything was new to me. I was still getting to grips with how to format my articles and how the platform worked — the idea of claps was new to me for one!



Jon & Caz Cole | Ink-Stained Hearts

Writers | Vloggers Passionate about words, music, sports, and discovering places. Lovers of books, vinyl, and geeky stuff. Curious about life.