I’m A (Unofficial) Medium Coach

One hour for £60 or half an hour for £45 to talk about how you can improve.

Shamar M


Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

I’ve been on Medium for just over two years and joining this platform is the best decision I’ve ever made. Here are some key milestones I’ve hit so far:


· 2X top writer (This Happened To Me and Journalism)

· 3X $1,000+ articles

· Consistent three-figure earnings per month (sometimes four-figures)

· Featured in Zora magazine

· Featured in Mind Café, Better Humans, Better Marketing, The Writing Cooperative, Geek Culture

This may not sound like a lot in comparison to Zulie Rane, Tim Denning, and Jessica Wildfire who earn thousands per month and reap thousands of followers.

Although, the odds of becoming someone as influential as the names mentioned above are unfortunately fairly slim for 99.8% of the rest of us, and the milestones that I have mentioned above are much more achievable and realistic.

And I can help you get there.

For months, I have been answering random messages, story responses, and social media responses with people asking me how I’ve achieved this and that.



Shamar M

27. Based in the UK. PG DIP HR Management. Chief of publication The First Time. Editor in About Me Stories.