I’m Finally a Top Writer!

Here’s what I’ve learned.

Kayla Derstein


Ah, the elusive distinction of being a top writer. I’ve always wanted to join that coveted spot in the sidebar of my favorite categories. Finally, last week, after publishing a total of 68 posts on Medium over the course of several years, I earned top writer status in a topic.

The label has made me consider my writing and the writing that earned me top writer status differently. Here’s what I’ve learned about getting top writer, and how I plan to expand the categories I’m a top writer in.

It wasn’t in the topic I thought it’d be in

My first top writer credit was in — of all things — Ideas. I think I’d only ever used the Ideas tag in a few posts, but I guess those posts did well enough in the pool of Idea-tagged content that I was able to stand out in that category.

What this suggests: It’s easier to become a top writer in less-followed topics. Going after top writer status in a category that hundreds of people write in will make it more difficult to earn top writer because you're competing in a bigger pool of writers.



Kayla Derstein

2x Top Writer. I find ways to be enjoyably productive. Passionate about storytelling, personal development, and getting the most out of everything we do.