I’m Getting Shadowbanned On Medium

That’s what many writers feel and it does have a grain of truth.

Kristina God, MBA


I’m Getting Shadowbanned On Medium
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Halloween is over.

However, some writers feel ghosted. 👻

I recently read a story by Katie Jgln (25K followers) where she shares that she feels shadowbanned.

Yael Wolfe (30K followers) agreed.

“My views have dropped by 75% in the past month for no apparent reason. And over the past six months, my follower count has come to an almost standstill.”

A couple more writers also shared that they think it’s tough to NOT be shadowbanned if you aren’t a subject matter expert and don’t fit into Medium’s fixed (new) scheme.

What happens if you get shadowbanned on Medium?

The term has existed since Twitter used it in 2016. The platform filtered out abusive tweets and applied a sort of temporary “time-out” on users.

In general, it means that a platform is moving your account down.

The discoverability of your stories goes down.

This can be a major obstacle to growing your account and getting more followers.

If all your posts are facing a drastic fall, you might have been shadowbanned.



Kristina God, MBA

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: https://kristinagod.substack.com/