Is It Worthwhile Writing On Medium For Money?

Should you bother with Medium in 2022?

Delilah Brass
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2022


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

I’ve been peddling content on Medium for almost a year now. I’ve published almost 100 stories and in that time I have learned a trick or two.

I can predict with relatively high accuracy whether a piece will get curated, this won’t. I can determine the best publication for my work and I can tag my piece effectively. Knowing how to use this platform optimally goes along way into making sure you get eye balls on your stories.

But putting all the ins and outs to one side, is Medium a worthwhile platform?

The not so simple answer is yes and no.

Like most things in this life, Medium is complicated. So it’s difficult to dismiss it as a waste of time or cheer it on as the best thing since sliced bread.

Why is Medium Not Worthwhile?

If you’re here for the money, then I might be about to disappoint you. Medium is unlikely to make you rich. Sure, there’s some people on here who have stripe accounts that will make your jaw drop, but that’s an unlikely scenario for most of us.

Even if you’re an amazing and dedicated writer with an arsenal of knowledge and stories to share, you might…



Delilah Brass

“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” — Winston Churchill