Should I write on Medium? Asks my friend

Yes, I reply but know this…

Mary DeVries


Photo by Ignacio Amenábar on Unsplash

“Maybe I should start writing on Medium,” my friend says.

“Yes! You absolutely should!” I reply enthusiastically.

“How often would I have to write to make money?”

Ouch, I take it all back. Don’t write on Medium if that is your first question.

Can you make money on Medium? Yes

Will you make money on Medium? Maybe

How much can you make on Medium? Depends

These are not stupid questions to ask. They are exactly the questions I asked before I signed on. But they weren’t the only questions to ask or even the best questions. What I really wanted to know was, will I be wasting my time? Will anyone read what I write?

Thankfully in my case, the answer was no and yes. Writing here has enhanced my life in so many ways. I am a better happier person because I write and post. Recently I topped 1000 followers. Everything I post gets read by at least a few people and some stories reach hundreds. I call that success.

I asked my friend why she was considering writing on Medium and what she would want out of the experience.



Mary DeVries

The older I get, the less I know. That won’t stop me from writing about everything and anything under the sun. Join me in delighting and despairing about life.