The Secret World of OCD Medium Clappers and How We Support Claps

We spread joy in the shadows of Medium…but with an exact number of claps

October J.


Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

I enjoy reading Medium stories as much as I like writing them.

Recently, I spent 10 straight hours reading stories, commenting on them, and clapping on them and their comments.

I’m in awe of really good writers. It doesn’t matter the genre of writing — good writing is good writing and should be appreciated. To appreciate writing is the highest honor you can give to a writer.

Appreciation can be in many forms. Clapping is one free way to show your appreciation on Medium.

Clapping demonstrated. Credit: author

I first discovered this secret society of OCD Medium clappers by accident.

But first, let me tell you a secret about Medium claps.

There’s an award system for clapping.

It’s not the same across all of Medium and, in fact, it greatly varies from person to person. Here’s my specific system:

  • 1 clap = the Medium story/comment was decent
  • 2–10 claps = I agreed



October J.

🌷 Fiction author 💍 Wife 🎓 MBA 💾 Gen X 🌈 LBGTQIA+ friendly 🐶 Vegan ✍🏻 Published