The Unending Frustration of Being a Medium Writer

Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in

Benny Carts


Screenshot of The Godfather Part 3, YouTube

What do I want?

That’s the question that keeps resurfacing as I peruse my dismal Medium results. Well, I could wax lyrical about creating work that makes a difference, but what I really want from this platform is money.

Surprise, surprise.

Of course, even one heart-felt comment makes the time spent writing worthwhile. However, who wouldn’t mind a bit of extra dough? I’m not talking Jeff Bezos level; just a modest $500-a-month passive income. I think my work is worth that — I’ve bloody well sunk enough time into the craft.

The issue is that I’m not willing to compromise myself to do so. Yep, artistic integrity is the hill I choose to die. However, given that quality writers do achieve results here, such a defense is pretty thin. Eve Arnold and Hogan Torah are both very different examples of how you can succeed on Medium.

Let me clarify, I’m not some greenhorn pumping out listicles. I’ve suckled the teet of success. I got the $1500 article, several above the hundred dollar mark, tips, 1.7k followers —and I did it all while staying true to my voice and values.

Therein lies the rub.

