The Ultimate Useful Medium Articles List

All in one place for your convenience!

J.J. Pryor
Published in
8 min readAug 3, 2020


If you’ve followed me or come across any of my articles — you know I like to help people on — a lot.

Often when I publish a huge listicle or guide, people will ask me questions, which I’m more than happy to help answer! But the thing is, there’s a good chance I’ve covered those questions in detail already.

I just hadn’t thought to collect all my thoughts in one place.

Now that I finally did it…hot damn, I didn’t realize just how much I’ve written on the subject!

My hope is that between the many publication lists, Medium tips/hacks, and general advice for blogging — that this article can help answer most of your questions!

If you see anything out of date or plain flat out wrong (I’m only human, after all), please let me know in the comments!

Let’s get started.

Note: Just in case you haven’t become a Medium member yet, I’d love you eternally if you signed up using my referral link! I’ll get a small commission at no cost to you and you’ll get eternal love — win-win!

Your support means I can keep writing these fandangled posts to keep helping all of you amazing peeps. Any support is appreciated!



J.J. Pryor

3.01 Mil reads | Ex-pat | Ex-Head Product | Ex-cuse Me | PB&T creator | Top 100 Writer |