What Percentage of My Followers Are Only Readers? Or Are They All Writers?

The answer is just 4%, which leads me to a troubling question…

Edward John


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

I wanted to know how many Medium members were only readers. So, I decided to look through 100 profiles of my followers.

My criterion was simple. If a member had not written any articles or had only written one article, I classified them as a read-only member.

Out of the 100 I looked at, only 4 fell into that category, meaning that 96 percent of my followers are writers. I don’t know how representative this is of Medium as a whole, but it leads to a slightly troubling question:

How likely is a writer to earn much money on Medium?

Surely, for the system to work, we need a fair number of read-only members. Otherwise, we are mainly just writers reading each other’s articles. We might as well just all keep our $5 to ourselves.

But I suppose it’s like anything in life — only a relatively small percentage will see great success.

Also, we cannot assume that all of the writers on here are doing it full-time or trying to earn lots of money here. Many of them might be happy just to have an outlet for their part-time creativity.

What do you think?

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Edward John

Sometimes my inside is full of sunshine 🌞 edwardjohnwritesATgmailDOTcom