Who Will Replace P.S. I Love You?

5 publications fight to become Medium’s next top relationship pub

Liv Mello


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Whether you write or follow stories about relationships, you’ve probably already heard. P.S. I Love You, Medium’s top publication for relationships, is saying goodbye. As the news ripples through Medium, both readers and writers are shocked, saddened, and unsure of what’s next.

Luckily for the 292k followers of the beloved publication, P.S. I Love You also disclosed in their letter that they will not be removing themselves from Medium. Readers will still be able to browse and enjoy PSILY stories even after June 30th, which will mark their last day publishing new articles.

While passionate authors of the publication — including top relationship writers such as Felicia C. Sullivan, Andrew Knott, and Carlyn Beccia — will no longer be able to submit after June 30th, it’s possible that their existing stories could, in fact, perform better on the platform. Since PSILY publishes new content daily, the lack thereof could boost exposure to older articles.

Still, the news is more bitter than it is sweet. I, for one, am sad to see the publication go, as it is home to some of my top-performing articles, including one that has made me close to $800 with only 8.5k views.



Liv Mello

Freelancing advice and figuring out how to be happy. Check out my work at livmello.com