Why Did I Start Writing A Book; However, I’m Not Worthy of It

It’s a non-fiction bitter truth book

Fazle Rab


Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Yet, this is a secret that I am writing a book. Yes, I have not revealed it to anyone yet. I had book content five months ago. I had this idea from a long time ago, but finally, I decided that its book can be written. After much thinking, I thought that it matches the experiences of my life, and the best part was that it had a message for people that can put humans in deep thought. Even though this will not only in the thoughts but will also force them to look into it. Finally, it was decided that I should write a book on it.

Since I have never written a book except for a maximum of 3000-word articles, so for this reason, I first had to learn. I read the articles on this, saw best-selling author’s videos, started reading books and looking for ways to write in them. I got results.

Finally, I arranged the contents of the book chapter/topic-wise in my diary. I set the character, victim, beginning, climax, and everything. It took time but was done.

The Book Content is Too Mature

Since I am not a professional writer nor author and have no degree in it, I feel that the content of this book is far ahead of my experience. Its message can be for the whole world, and I…



Fazle Rab

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