You Either Die a Hero, or You Live Long Enough to See Yourself Whining About Your Medium Stats

Do your favorite writers have two faces?

Chris Wojcik


Photo by ActionVance on Unsplash

I’ve been writing on Medium for just over 5 months. My first story was published in early November of 2020. Relatively, I’m still a Medium baby.

However, in these past 5 months, I’ve experienced just about everything you can on this platform. I’ve had stories published in a wide array of publications, I’ve gone viral, I’ve gotten some “Top Writer” tags (I still don’t know what this means), I’ve been called a delusional idiot (several times) by my readers, and I’ve made a little bit of money.

It’s been a wild ride.

Like just about everyone, my stats have been less than stellar in the last month or so. I’m bummed, but at the same time, that’s not what I’m most upset about on Medium right now. I’m bothered by the lack of resilience.

I didn’t start writing on Medium because I wanted the Medium Partner Program to pay my bills and send me on vacation to Timbuktu or the Bahamas. I started because I wanted to write and there wasn’t a chance in hell that anyone was going to read my WordPress site.

What’s disheartened me more than the decrease in views or claps is the fact that I’ve seen some of my…

