You Won’t Make It As a Blogger If You Don’t Do This

Do not neglect this important hierarchy



The most valuable asset of a blogger is high-quality content. Wouldn’t you agree? This is why people love your articles. As they should! But high-quality content is not the most important aspect of being a blogger. Not at first! What is it, then? Let’s explore!

Photo by Emma Matthews Digital Content Production on Unsplash

High-quality content is not enough if…

Before I answer, let me tell you a story: I had a friend. He was an outstanding writer. His stories were well written, insightful, entertaining, and authentic. With a bit of humor here and there. He could have easily been a popular full-time blogger. But he isn’t. Why not? Because high-quality content is not enough if no one reads it.

Let me repeat that: High-quality content is not enough if no one reads it!
No matter how good you are as a writer, how prolific, funny, insightful, or authentic, you won’t make it as a blogger without being found.

What does this even mean

Being found online is one of the largest tasks anyone will ever conquer. With around 5 billion people on the internet and a whopping 570 million blogs out there, it is practically impossible to be discovered only through talent…




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