
Your Distributed Stories in One Overview

This chrome extension makes your life on Medium better

Martin van Soest
Published in
5 min readJul 10, 2021


Ever wondered if your new stories were Chosen for Distribution, but you didn’t feel like going through each individual story to check? Now you no longer need to! This chrome extension takes away the hassle and shows which of your stories were Chosen for further Distribution right on the stats page.

I keep telling myself that I should stop looking at stats and just start writing. But curiosity does get me every now and then. I already found that this extension stops me from going down the rabbit hole of checking each individual story. I do hope you get a similar benefit.

Note: release notes to newer versions below.

What it does

An image can say more than a thousand words, so take a look at the screenshot below.

The stats-page now shows for which topic your story was distributed. Phew, am I glad that I got a few distributed stories… Screenshot by author.

As you can see in the screenshot, I opted to show the topic in which a story was distributed instead of using a checkmark. To get a quick overview of Distributed stories, you can sort them by clicking on the table’s header.

Compatibility with other extensions

As I love the Medium Enhanced Stats extension, my extension is compatible with…



Martin van Soest

I write Medium Chrome Extensions and about anything that sparks my interest: hings that amaze, touch, or surprise me.