Focusing to make Feedpresso better

Tadas Šubonis
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2017

Hello fellow learners and news junkies.

It’s been some time since we last shared something about our progress but now we have some big changes to announce.

One of the main things that we have learned over the last two years is that keeping people excited about the service is important. And nothing is more exciting than giving amazing value.

For most of the users news and blogs readers isn’t a necessary service. They are fine reading an occasional online newspaper or just ingesting the stuff their friends have been sharing on social networks such as Facebooks.

However, we’ve found that people in technology business really care about how they get their news and updates and that’s where Feedpresso can give the biggest value.

People working in technology businesses are constantly on the edge as new tech updates are coming out every day that could change their businesses a lot.

But that’s not all. Learning is important too. Getting timely updates from thought leaders about the best business practices in SaaS or email marketing is crucial.

That’s why we are thrilled to focus on people working in technology businesses.

So what’s going to change?

First of all, the content is going to change. We are scraping the “general news by default” approach and instead of that users will be presented with hand-picked news sources and blogs from thought-leaders in the technology and business fields such as:

  • The Economist
  • First Round Review
  • Axios
  • MIT Technology Review
  • and others

By the way, existing users will keep everything as it is so you don’t have to worry about losing your customisations.

Secondly, a throve of features is planned to help you out in your business or professional life:

  • Community content board — to let the technology and business community share the most impactful stories and their take on them
  • Content quality metrics — to improve the stories that are picked for you by our system
  • Keyword notifications — in case you would like to know when your company is mentioned in the news or there is an important article about Ethereum
  • and more

Finally, Feedpresso will abolish any ads and users will be asked to get a monthly (or yearly) subscription. There are going to be some generous offers to our current users (~90% off) so do not miss that :).

Why a subscription? Because that’s the only way that ensures a focus on a high-quality service with a high-quality content instead of just giving you lots of articles so we could just show more ads. Ads incentivise an abundance of content that goes against our goal of saving you from information overload.

If you have any feedback, or there is something else you would like to know, feel free to email me at




Tadas Šubonis

Geek. Data Scientist. Software Engineer. Entrepreneur.