Reviewing the Best Career Investments Ever Made

Jerome Knyszewski
9 min readFeb 5, 2024



In the grand tapestry of our professional journeys, certain decisions stand out as pivotal, shaping the course of our careers. Today, we invite you to reflect on that one career purchase — an investment in yourself or your profession — that has proven to be the cornerstone of your success. Whether it’s a skill acquisition, a educational program, a piece of technology, or even a mentorship, share with us the story of the ‘Best Investment’ you ever made in your career. This post delves into the narratives of individuals who seized opportunities to propel their professional growth, offering insights into the transformative power of strategic career investments. Join us on this journey of reflection and discovery, celebrating the decisions that have paved the way for unparalleled success in the professional landscape.

Jessica Magniccari
Owner of Jessica M. Designs

As a small business owner, I made a strategic investment in a membership to a community tailored for fellow entrepreneurs in my field. While the
upfront cost was significant, looking back two years later, it stands out
as one of the most valuable investments I’ve made.

This vibrant community serves as a valuable space for me to ask questions
and gain insight from seasoned professionals. The community exchanges
industry insights, trends, and discusses pricing strategies, ultimately
contributing to a substantial increase in my overall revenue.

Marco Scanu
CEO of Visa Business Plans

*I was hesitant at first, but business coaching was the best career
purchase I ever made. *

*Entrepreneurs often have strong independent personalities; that’s what
gives us the bravery to strike out on our own! **So, there are many times
we might say, ‘if I can do that myself, why pay for it?’ *

*But just like a company relies on its partnerships, investors, and
employees to succeed, entrepreneurs must recognize that finding
the right help is the only way to obtain real growth.*

*Coaching and mentoring not only broadened my knowledge and skills, it
changed my mindset. Instead of working harder to get everything done
myself, I was able to open my eyes to the many opportunities for
collaboration, networking, and growth around me.*

That lesson has proven to be priceless.

Timothy Connon
Founder of ParamountQuote Insurance Advisors

I spent over $600 for my website to be built for me for purposes of SEO. In
addition to this I pay over $200 monthly in SEO tools to help me build up
my site and rank in the search results. After 1 year this investment became
very worth it as I saw my website grow and begin ranking for a lot of
keywords. At that point it was producing leads for me at a good rate to
where it paid for itself and the monthly expense of SEO tools. Even though
the initial investment was expensive to have the site completely built for
me it was worth because I had a site ready to get content published on it
to begin ranking and attracting customers.

Alex Mastin
Home Grounds

A Steep Price Tag for a New Technology Investment:

Mathias Ahlgren
CEO and Founder at Website Rating

Dropping a significant amount of money can certainly cause your stomach to drop, at least mine anyway. However, if it’s something that you think will
be worth it and you purchase it ‘in the name of business,’ then it’s likely
worth the buy. My buy was a $1000 career seminar series with experienced
business owners, and the information I got from those courses was seriously worth the cost.

Structured in 4 classes with 5 students each, this series was marketed
towards small business owners with serious plans to propel upward quickly.
There were four speakers, each lecturing for around 3 hours each. They were owners of large successful enterprises, and they shared their success
stories and a host of actionable plans, tips, and tricks that would help
turn a small business owner into a medium and large business owner.

Advice on how to correctly hire and where to outsource was the most
invaluable to me. The input has saved me tens of thousands on labor costs
and helped me hire a strong core team that pushes the company forward every day.

Hashi Mohamed
President of Ivy Cleans

One of my best career investments was in high-quality, professional
cleaning equipment. As the president of Ivy Cleans and an expert cleaner,
having the right tools at my disposal has been crucial to delivering
exceptional cleaning services and growing the business. While it initially
required a significant financial outlay, the long-term benefits have been

Investing in top-notch cleaning equipment has increased our efficiency and effectiveness and enhanced our reputation for delivering outstanding
results. High-quality vacuums, steam cleaners, and eco-friendly cleaning
products have allowed us to tackle even the toughest cleaning challenges
efficiently and with minimal environmental impact. Moreover, these
investments have translated into satisfied and loyal customers who
appreciate the level of professionalism and quality that our business
consistently delivers. In hindsight, I consider this investment in cleaning
equipment as one of the best decisions I made, as it has played a pivotal
role in our success and growth.

Martin Nyondo

A couple of years ago, I embarked on a journey to address the knowledge gap on technology products through a blog. This initiative eventually evolved into the foundation of a thriving business, a decision I wholeheartedly consider the best I’ve made. It’s my career now.

The significance of this endeavor lies in the fact that I was able to solve a common problem of the lack of accessible information, specifically for individuals seeking guidance in purchasing and utilizing tech products. Through my blog, I dedicated myself to explaining the intricacies of the latest technologies, highlighting the distinctive features that make them worth buying. Moreover, the fusion of my passion for writing and technology further solidified my belief in the worthiness of this pursuit.

For more than ten years, my blog has empowered over 5 million readers, aiding them in making well-informed decisions regarding tech products. The countless emails expressing gratitude for our assistance in acquiring the right tech tools for personal or business use serve as a testament to the impact of my work.
Whether one seeks to venture into a tech business or any other enterprise, the fundamental consideration should revolve around whether the business is addressing a genuine problem. If the answer is affirmative, then the pursuit is certainly worthwhile.

David Bakke
Entrepreneur at DollarSanity

*Class/Course On Entrepreneurship*
Before I even became an entrepreneur or really, knew that I had what it
takes to be one, I invested in a class/course on entrepreneurship that was
definitely career-changing. It showed me the skills it takes to be a
successful entrepreneur, along with how to succeed once you get started.
The overall cost of the class wasn’t that significant, but the things that
I learned literally changed the course of my professional career. I still
work a typical day job, but the money I’ve made in my spare time as an
entrepreneur is directly and solely related to the class that I took. It’s
probably one of the best investments I’ve ever made.

Hamza Ben
Founder of Beacherpa

My most impactful career investment was buying a store that was still under construction in a neighborhood that was undergoing major renovation. At first, everyone questioned the decision, citing the unpopularity of the area. But I saw the potential. My vision was to open a restaurant there, and despite the skepticism, I trusted my instincts.

The first two years were challenging; the ongoing transformation of the
neighborhood meant fewer visitors. However, I remained committed to
providing consistent quality from day one. Gradually, my efforts began to
bear fruit. A loyal customer base emerged, drawn by the restaurant’s
rock-solid standards.

Now the business is thriving. I’ve built a solid portfolio, and regulars
come in weekly. The neighborhood’s ongoing redevelopment only adds to the promise of continued growth.

This journey taught me a valuable lesson: If you have a vision, trust
yourself and move forward, even in the face of doubt. Not everyone will see
your dream, but it’s not their approval that matters — it’s yours. Believe
in your ability to make it happen. That’s the essence of a truly worthwhile

Elizabeth Harrin
Otobos Consultants Ltd

I bought a very expensive (for me) laptop bag when I was starting out in my
career and travelling into the city for work every day. It was from Knomo (I don’t think they make that particular model anymore, but the bag is still in the wardrobe upstairs and still used).

I believe it was worth it, as I felt more confident with it. I felt like it
was the accessory I needed to fit into being a young manager. I looked at
the people in the jobs around me at the next level up, and they all seemed
so put together. The bag helped me move away from carrying all my extras in a backpack or totes that made me feel like I was still a graduate trainee. I
could carry my laptop and all the notebooks and chargers I needed without it looking like I was a packhorse.

Ultimately, it was just a bag. But to me, it was about fitting in (when
probably no one was paying much attention to what I was wearing or
carrying). It made me feel like I was a young professional, capable of doing
the job and it helped me fight of imposter syndrome because I was dressed
for the role I had and the one I wanted, not the one I had come from.

Jan Cullinane

I had a fun and rewarding career in academia teaching Anatomy and
Physiology, Microbiology, and Health Psychology and chairing the Science
Department at the community college level. However, I also moved several
times for my husband’s corporate transfers. After several moves, as the
trailing spouse I decided I wanted to write books — specifically, holistic
retirement books.

I’m a Boomer, and relocating to different states and having to re-start my
own job search, researching places to live in our new state(s), making new
friends with each move, and coupled with my interest in healthy living (I’m
also an avid tennis player), and having a husband who is a CPA and deep
knowledge of the financial aspects of retirement, I decided to become an
author of holistic retirement books. I knew there were 70 million+ Boomers
who could be potential purchasers for my books (and my husband could — and would be willing — to write the financial part of the book).

However, I did not know how to go about finding an agent to represent me,
nor did I have a deep knowledge of the book-publishing process. I wanted to have a traditionally published book, not be a self-published author. So, I
purchased a book on Amazon — The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Getting Published by Sheree Bykofsky. Her book laid out the process in detail, and I knew I could follow directions!

So, I read Sheree’s book, followed her advice, and here I am — with five
traditionally published books — one of which reached the #2 ranking among
ALL books on Amazon, and one (The Single Woman’s Guide to Retirement)
published by AARP, which won a Living Now Book Award, an Apex Award for Publishing Excellence in the books and e-books category, and a Mature
Media Award. I’ve also been on television, radio, and do speaking
engagements on the non-financial aspects of retirement.

So, that’s the best investment I ever made — the purchase of a book on
Amazon, that led to a new career. It’s now been 20+ years — my first
best-selling book was published in 2004, my most recent one in 2023.

Loretta Kilday
Debt Consolidation Care

One of the wisest moves I have ever seen an attorney make is going into
different often very unrelated areas. For instance, there was a corporate
financier who shifted to marketing and found a new avenue for creativeness and personal meanings, which differed greatly from the corporate bureaucracy of financial sectors.

Likewise, I know another person who left her job as an HR manager in a
legal company to start making cupcakes with alcohol; this proves that
fulfillment can be reached by developing entrepreneurial passions, even if
they lead away from one’s own educational specialization.

The reason why these examples are so powerful is because they restate the
basic fact about career development: courageously venturing into uncharted paths and integrating personal interests and values into our daily tasks may result in success. It’s not only the financial gain that matters, but also getting a position where your contributions are genuinely appreciated and you always look forward to making them.

Brad Filliponi
Co-founder of

As a business owner, based on my experiences, I would love to share my thoughts on your query.

For our company, investing in neurodiversity inclusion programs turned out to be a game-changing and socially conscious choice. The initial cash outlay was significant, but the long-term gains in terms of creativity and teamwork were astounding. Fostering an inclusive workplace that actively welcomed neurodiverse abilities stimulated creativity and opened up new avenues for problem-solving. This investment is special since it touches society as well as promotes corporate success. We improved our team dynamic and contributed to the promotion of diversity and the questioning of social norms by creating an inclusive work environment. This investment proved to be quite beneficial since it enhanced our corporate culture and matched it with a larger commitment to social responsibility.

