Feel-good update: Photos of what you’ve done

Run for Something
Feel-good updates
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2020


Good morning! I kindly offer you a note that has nothing to do with the impending apocalypse. You’re welcome.

First, I want to say thank you — the response to my note last week was overwhelming.

Between email and social media, I heard from literally thousands of people who agreed: Our party’s myopic focus on the presidency puts us at risk to win the 2020 battle but lose the longterm war for lasting, sustainable power. I’m (somewhat) comforted by the response and hope that continues to translate into even more generosity.

Next, a few updates…

- Rep. Dotie Joseph in Florida is sponsoring a bill to provide tax credits to farmers who practice “carbon farming” to help cut carbon emissions. State legislatures tackling climate change: You truly love to see it.

- Virginia is on track to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment thanks to the leadership of our very own Delegate Jennifer Carroll Foy.

- Bethany Hallam and Tom Duerr were sworn in to their seats on the Alleghany City Council in PA (more pics below!) — their priorities include better over sight of the police, ending LGBT conversion therapy, and more.

- Rachel Junck was sworn on to her seat on to the Ames City Council in Iowa (also pics below): “One of her plans is to continue the conversation about affordable and accessible housing, as well as making Ames as carbon-neutral as possible.”

- Millennials have taken over the Indianapolis City-County Council — thanks in part to the FIVE (!!) RFS alum who won seats on the body last year.

- In Missouri, Boone County Clerk Brianna Lennon is kicking off an aggressive online campaign for voter outreach and education, and is opening a polling place on MU’s campus that Boone County residents can use regardless of precincts. As always: The best way to turn places blue is to elect Democrats who make voting easier & more accessible.

Finally, over the last week or two, many of our 2019 candidates were sworn in, completing the cycle from citizen to candidate to public servant. Take a look at what your support has made possible. (I personally love how many little kids are in these pics — all these parents!!)

​Thank you for making all this possible. To surviving (and hopefully thriving) for another week,



Run for Something
Feel-good updates

Recruiting & supporting young people running for office. Building a Democratic bench. Want to help? hello@runforsomething.net