How to Submit Your Medium Story to Feel. Heal. Share.

What better way to support and inspire others on their health journeys than by sharing your own experiences.

Greg Gafni-Pappas
Feel. Heal. Share.


What is our mission?

Our mission is simple — to share our collective health experiences so that others benefit from our combined expertise. We are looking for writers who are patients, caregivers, healthcare providers, and most importantly, humans struggling to maintain health in a very complicated medical world.

Topics we’re interested in

  1. Patient stories: Share your personal health journey to inspire and support others who want and need to hear about your struggles and your successes. Have you made mistakes along the way? Did it take a long time to find out your diagnosis? Did you finally find a treatment that works? Did you travel the country looking for a cure? Did you try an alternative specialist that helped you immensely? Did a provider show compassion above and beyond what was expected? Did learning a unique skill improve your depression? These personal experiences can make the difference in someone else’s life.
  2. Caregiver stories: Being a caregiver is an honorable, yet many times a thankless, job. Sometimes it’s forced upon you and…



Greg Gafni-Pappas
Feel. Heal. Share.

Emergency physician, patient advocate, entrepreneur, sci-fi novelist, challenging the status quo