4 Positive Affirmations To Change Your Life

And how to practice them effectively

Feel Τherapeutics
feel the blog
4 min readMar 14, 2018


The idea of using positive affirmations is not a new one by any stretch of the imagination but currently, there seems to be more of a buzz around the idea than ever. ‘Thinking positively’ and ‘visualizing the end goal’ are phrases we often hear but do we fully understand the meaning behind them?

Positive affirmations change how you are thinking and convert the innately negative thought process, a lot of us tend to have, to a positive and enlightening one. This, in turn, helps to combat depression or anxiety. All of which are ever-growing and present in today’s society. This article gives you the space to explore, on a deeper level, how you get started, the type of positive affirmations that you could use and how they can truly work for you.

How To Begin

  • Make a list of your own negative qualities. If an area feels physically painful as you write down any of these qualities, remember it. This could be useful later. Remember, this is an internal exercise so it has to focus on you, and only you as this is the only person we can truly change.
  • Write down an affirmation in the present tense. These should focus positively on each of the negative qualities that you have on your list. The key is to avoid negative words and to be honest about yourself and how you feel.
  • Say each affirmation in your head for five minutes, three times a day.If it works better for you, you can write them down instead, for the same length of time. These repetitions will eventually replace your old affirmations with positive ones.

Remember the area of physical pain that you felt while listing your own negative qualities at the beginning of this process? You can place a hand on this area while repeating the positive sentences or affirmations if you feel that it is helpful.

In addition to this, you can ask a friend to repeat the affirmations to you while visualizing the physical representation of them. This has been known to improve results. This type of exercise is highly effective and one of the fastest ways to change your mindset and the way in which you live.

Examples Of Positive Affirmations

1. It Is Easy For Me To Feel Relaxed

Anxiety is so common these days, it is the modern plague and most people you know have suffered from anxiety on some level. You are not alone. The consequences are severe, affecting the way that we function in our everyday life and the relationships that we have.

Uncertainty is definitely prevalent in such a modern world and this could indeed be the cause of increasing anxiety. People often tell anxiety sufferers to, “just relax” which is highly ineffective for the person on the receiving end of that advice.

2. I Am Good At What I Do

Perhaps you constantly feel that what you do at work is not enough or that other people are better at everything than you. Again, this has made the list because it is both a common concern and a hugely restrictive one. Not believing in yourself and what you are doing can have negative effects on others around you and your own personal growth.

Repeating this positive affirmation will mean that you are more confident, self-assured and happy. Others will notice this too and have more faith in you as a result. Maybe you will even be given that work assignment you thought you were not good enough for.

3. I Am Capable of Handling Change

Change is all around us, every single day. The world is changing at an alarming pace and the people within it are not far behind. Every single one of us experiences change ranging from, but not limited to, a change in friendships, relationships, work and home.

This can be a great source of worry and this can limit how we cope with change. By repeating this positive affirmation, perhaps change becomes a little bit more easy to deal with knowing that you are capable of handling it.

4. I Can Get Through Pain

Experiencing pain is nothing new and everybody has pain in their life, on different levels. Being able to handle the pain and actually coming out the other side is a different thing altogether. Perhaps we would not be so afraid of taking risks if we knew that we could deal with the pain if things went wrong. Saying this positive affirmation to yourself for five minutes, three times a day could help you to survive your own painful experience.

To Sum Up

Try focusing on how positive affirmations can address subconscious beliefs and challenge your natural negative beliefs. The most important thing is to replace negative beliefs with positive ones and it is most effective with sentences which are short and to the point as we have discussed above.

Being able to imagine that you are capable of dealing with change or seeing yourself as good at what you do is the first step and after that, you will understand how you can actually work towards bigger goals. Having the ability to imagine the change you want to see is what makes it real and you will be happier with yourself, which is always a plus.

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