5 tips on planning your upcoming mental health weekend today!

Feel Τherapeutics
feel the blog
Published in
4 min readApr 3, 2018

Planning ahead really helps find peace

With the modern day stresses of life and often fast-paced way in which things move, planning a mental health weekend for yourself is one of the best things that you can do. No one is immune to the struggles associated with mental health and there are so many different types, all of which have a huge impact on people’s lives. It is always good to plan ahead and the start of each week is a great time to begin a new routine. There are a variety of ways that you can pay attention to your mental health but here are just a few of the most important, to get you started this week.

Eat Well

This may be an obvious one but most people tend to ‘treat themselves’ at the weekend after a tough week at work and this has an adverse effect on mental health and defeats the purpose of using the weekend to rejuvenate. Planning meals in advance or at the beginning of each week as well as visiting a local food market are both easy ways to remain motivated. Fresh food, full of flavor provides you with lots of energy so that you can get the most out of your weekend.

Meet Friends

Especially friends who make you feel better! There is nothing more rewarding than being around friends who accept you as you are and lift your spirits. Taking a walk with them, having long conversations or even watching a movie together can make you feel as if you have support around you and is hugely uplifting for your mental wellbeing. Friends are also there to talk through your problems and thoughts with and offer helpful advice because they care for your wellbeing.

Being there for your friends and loved ones in return is equally fulfilling. You can try to call a loved one who cares for you to express your gratitude. Even an unexpected “thank you” email can work wonders for both parties!

Do Something For Yourself

Whether it’s visiting the gym, taking a hot bath or unwinding with a book, there are so many activities you can easily do and by investing in yourself, you will naturally feel more at ease and embrace your own personal mental wellness. Book an appointment or schedule some time at the beginning of the week so that you know when this will happen and do not feel stressed or rushed at the weekend. It is always a bonus if you have something to look forward to during the week!

Help Others

Often, giving back to others can make you feel better about yourself. Helping other people truly uplifts your mood and can improve your positive outlook and personal confidence. If you want to start small, you can make this happen by simply talking and taking an interest in the people you usually pass by every day. Or if you feel open to bigger changes, perhaps you could check out your local charities to offer your help and volunteer. Deciding to do this and planning a specific time to do so during your weekend can give you a motivation throughout the week.

Sleep Well

Getting a good night’s sleep is always going to work wonders. The recommended number of hours of sleep per night in adults over twenty-six years old is between six and ten hours. This shows that getting your head on that pillow is crucial to mental wellness and personal stress. Without sleep, people cannot function to their full potential and may feel less inclined or motivated.

Taking the time to understand the ways in which your own body works is key and finding out this often alleviates sleep deprivation or insomnia.


Mental wellness is one of the most common buzz phrases of the moment and paying attention to personal warning signs in yourself is vital. It is often not spoken about enough despite charities, celebrities, and ambassadors all trying to raise awareness.

The best way to look after your own mental wellness is to be mindful. If something affects your mental health state in a positive way, remember it so that you can do it more. Perhaps you get a real high after visiting a gym class and need to make more time to visit the gym as a result. This can also work for when you are feeling low. Journaling can be a great help in realizing those patterns and keeping the track of what works for you and your mental health.

Taking stock of who you surround yourself with is often a factor. Do you often feel down after socializing with one particular friend? Potentially you need to reevaluate your friendship. This sort of proactive behavior can help you to craft your very own personalized mental health weekend for the best and most effective results.

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Feel Τherapeutics
feel the blog

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