6 Mental Health Foods And How They Improve Your Mental Well-being

Feel Τherapeutics
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Published in
4 min readMay 29, 2018

There has always been a lot of discussion about how healthy food and living a balanced life can impact your physical health and wellbeing. In the same way, eating certain foods and living a balanced life can improve your mental health. Generally, there is a strong connection between having good nutrition and having strong mental health and this is particularly important for people who struggle from depression and anxiety.

What Should Mental Health Foods contain?

Above all, the running theme of foods that improve mental health is that they are all natural and of high quality. Beyond that, they often contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and omega 3 fatty acids for different purposes in the body. A deficiency in any of the vital nutrients that the body needs can certainly contribute to mental health disorders and therefore trying to incorporate some or all of the ingredients below into your diet, in a moderate way, can certainly help to have a great impact on your mental well-being in the long run.


A millenial favourite, and for good reason: the avocado. They are known to be foods which are great for giving you energy and, as 75% of the calories from Oleic acid (the good kind of fat), this is most definitely true. They are also packed full of vitamins and are low in sugar, making them a go-to health food for stimulating your mental capacity. Avocado is also convenient and a great snack for on-the-go or as a meal replacement when time is working against us

2. Berries

It is not simply every fruit, which improves mental health. Berries are very rich in antioxidants and particularly vitamin C. As one of the foods with the highest percentage of antioxidants, berries are a great way to optimise your diet for mental health. There is a lot of research about the impact of antioxidants on depression and from a study on Impact of Antioxidant Therapy on Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression, it was noticed that ‘after 2 years this trend was reversed with significantly lower depression scores in the antioxidant group’. This clearly shows the strong impact that antioxidants have and how crucial they are in your diet.

3. Tomatoes

Reports since the eighties have spoken about tomatoes and their folic content helping to fight depression. Ever since a journal on: Folic acid and psychopathology by

Young SN, Ghadirian up until today, studies have shown patients with depression have a higher folate deficiency. Tomatoes have a high level of folic acid and are can contribute to good mental health.

4. Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts have a very high selenium content compared with other nuts and one nut provides more than the daily requirement. Selenium acts as an antioxidant and also defends against stress.

5. Salmon

Salmon appears regularly on most healthy food lists as it is a great source of protein, vitamin D, omega 3 and potassium. However, in regards to mental health, salmon contains tryptophan which actually converts to serotonin in the body, which most of you know regulates your mood. This makes it an ideal food for mental health and general improvement.

6. Fermented Foods

Foods which are fermented are on the rise and as they contain a high level of probiotics, they are a great way to keep your mental health diet in check. Kombucha is one example of such items and is made into a drink in the way of tea. Often fermented foods contain B vitamins, enzymes, probiotics and a high concentration of acid (acetic, gluconic and lactic), which are very good for your gut health and in turn, mental health. Incorporating this drink into your diet or other items such as kefir can help you when it comes to your mental health.

There’s always more…

There are plenty more healthy foods available from mackerel to walnuts, whole grains to yogurt, which contribute to positive mental health as well as other foods which are rich in the nutrients described above. From eggs to yogurt and chia seeds to liver, eating pure and natural ingredients can certainly help all of your body to work as it should, including the brain.

Feels like you can add to the list? Go ahead and let us know in comments!

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Feel Τherapeutics
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