6 Must-Read Books To Change Your Life

Feel Τherapeutics
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Published in
5 min readMar 7, 2018

It’s all about mindset!

Are you trying to tackle those two-month old New Year resolutions you have set for this year?(check here for 6 sure-fire ways to make your resolutions resolute)! Or simply feel ready to make changes in your life right now? If you’re embarking on a path to greater happiness and mental well-being, getting started can feel daunting. You may not even have the will to make those changes in the first place! Improving your mindset is one of the best ways to lay a strong foundation for your well-being, while also making it easier to make positive changes in your life.

Improving your mindset can help you make major shifts in your life beyond simply feeling better, though that alone is reason enough in this list of best reads. Depression, anxiety, and stress can wreak havoc on your life, and mindset work is a great way to make improvements. It’s been shown that a positive mindset can majorly help such things as your career success, heart health, and relationships and of course mental well-being.

If you’re ready to make changes there are many incredible resources at your fingertips. To help you get started, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite books on how to improve the way we think and reflect over past, current and future experiences. While there’s some inevitable overlap, each has its own unique perspective. Pick one or read them all! Gifting these is also an excellent way to give alternative and life-changing presents to those you care for!

So, here we go!

The Mindful Way through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness

If you’ve ever struggled with depression this book is a mustread. So often we focus on trying to stay happy without understanding the underlying causes of our despair. This volume draws on such minds as best-selling author and mindfulness expert Jon Kabat-Zinn. This easy-to-digest book offers a program of clinically proven methods you can implement to reduce unhappiness. Read this if you want to understand not only the psychological root causes of your sadness, but also how resilient you are. Equal parts pragmatic and hopeful, you’ll be aided by the addition of an accompanying CD with meditations led by Kabat-Zinn.

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

Written by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol S. Dweck, PhD, this book shows how mindset affects such largely diverse areas of our lives as work, the arts, athletics, academics, relationships with others and innerself and so much more. Her research found that those who believe their mindset and thus, abilities are “fixed” were far less likely to succeed than those who believed our abilities can evolve.

This is a deep dive into the groundbreaking research, but also speaks to a broader audience. It’s a hopeful message, especially as the book speaks to how mindset work can heal us not just individually, but collectively. It’s a hopeful message for trying times!

Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny!

Written by Anthony Robbins, who’s well known for having mastered effective techniques to optimize your performance, this book is a bible on the psychology of change. It’s a great read for those who want things broken down in a tactical, strategic way. Ranging from your finances to your emotions, Robbins’ book gives you a step-by-step program to guide you on your path to self-mastery.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheroes: Harnessing Our Power to Change the World

Deepak Chopra is world-famous for a reason, and this book will change your life. Chopra culls together the best of Eastern and Western philosophies, making spirituality profound, digestible and relatable. The book draws on inspiration from superheroes and their attendant archetypes. It’s a moving, perceptive work on the inner potential we all have to become the superhero in our own lives. In doing so, we’re better able to serve the world, which could use some heros right about now.

The How Of Happiness: A Practical Guide to Getting The Life You Want

Oh, happiness. How much we all crave it, how little we understand it. This book, by University of California professor of psychology Sonja Lyubomirsky, gets to the nitty gritty of the subtleties underlying happiness. What is it? What isn’t it? This comprehensive book will help create a blueprint to increase your happy with unique strategies. You’ll learn how to make changes in both the short and long term, and perhaps get to the bottom of your misconceptions around the very nature of happiness.

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Tolle’s voice has earned him major fame and backing from such figures as Oprah. The message of this book may seem simple: living in the present moment is the path to happiness and what Tolle refers to as enlightenment. Tolle helps us see how our anxiety, depression, and other emotional maladies are created by our very minds. Because we struggle to be and feel the perfection of the present moment, we suffer. Tolle breaks down what it means to “live in the now” and teaches us how to be more conscious so we can break free of our patterns and suffering.

Just read them!

More important than just creating the list of good reads is creating a plan to how really read those! You can always try to schedule some time for a good book before bed or instead of social media browsing. The time is a great asset nowadays, so why not to spend it on self-development especially if it has to do with the mindset change and overall happiness?

Feel like this list can take several additions? Share your life-changing books in comments and we will post an updated article including those.

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