Animal therapy: How Taking care of something other than yourself can boost your Mental health

Feel Τherapeutics
feel the blog
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2018

Taking responsibility for another living thing, specifically in this case an animal, can have a hugely positive effect on your mental health and can help you to develop thoughts and behaviors that are life-changing.

Animals, such as dogs, cats or even fish, can create a safe point where you feel relaxed enough to start interacting without judgement. The fact that animals are accepting and cannot hurt you emotionally is why they are excellent for your mental health. The presence of a pet or even visiting a dog can be calming and has a vast array of other benefits, such as:

You may feel decreased anxiety

Interacting with an animals definitely decreases anxiety and can have an immediate calming effect due to having a living thing around that will not judge you or talk back or ask you for something. According to a study by Helen Brooks, ‘Pets should be considered a main rather than a marginal source of support in the management of long-term mental health problems, and this has implications for the planning and delivery of mental health services.’

You will feel less lonely

Having another living being around you will immediately make you feel as if you have company and support. Whether you live alone or are just feeling alone, having an animal around you will occupy your day and give you something to car for, other than thinking about yourself and your own needs. This distraction can be good when you are suffering with mental health.

You will increase your self-esteem and confidence

Taking care of animals and others is a way of demonstrating to yourself how you are capable and you can achieve things when you set your mind to it. Usually people are motivated by having to do things for others for example feeding a pet of taking the dog for a walk. This also pushes you to get up and do things that you may not have done otherwise and in turn increases your self confidence dramatically.

You could increase your sense of safety

Having a pet such as a dog can mean that you feel less alone and have something there to protect you. Even the feeling of being less lonely regardless of whether that animal can look after you is a comforting feeling and can help to increase your confidence and mental health.

Looking after another living thing is always going to be beneficial to you and your life in many ways. Having the responsibility of ensuring that something else is content is a burden but can also be rewarding. That dependance can test you and show you what you are truly about which can boost your mental health and help you in your daily routine.

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Feel Τherapeutics
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Feel develops Digital Biomarkers & Therapeutics to bring objective data & measurement in the way we diagnose & care for Mental Health➡️