How Reframing Can Help You To Feel Positive

Feel Τherapeutics
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Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2018

What Is Reframing?

It is a technique, which is used in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in order to look at a situation in a different way. By teaching the individual to create an automatic reaction of understanding something by different parameters, it means that they can see things from a different, and possibly more positive or enlightening perspective.

Some examples of Reframing:

  • “My boyfriend is always asking where I am”. Reframed, this could be looked at in terms of how thoughtful the boyfriend is and concerned for the individual’s wellbeing.
  • “My friend told me she didn’t like the top I was wearing.” If you reframe this, you can see that perhaps the friend thought that the top simply did not suit you or considered you two close enough friends to be able to tell the truth and be honest and open.
  • “I didn’t get the job I had interviewed for”. If you look at this in a different way and by reframing it, perhaps the individual was not ready for the job yet or something better is yet to come along.

How Can You Reframe Situations?

The first thing to do in a difficult situation is to realize that this is a difficult or negative situation, which causes you worry. The next thing to do is to try and take a step back. Then, you can ask yourself the following questions about the situation that you find yourself in?

Is this thought realistic?

Is there any point in thinking like this? For example, you wish something had not happened. Is there any point in having this thought because of course it has already happened and now you cannot actually change it.

Is this thought compassionate?

Does your thought process about the situation help yourself or others? Is it kind? As we usually think about the worst case scenario and are not kind to ourselves, that is unlikely.

Is this thought constructive?

Finally, are you thinking about this situation in a positive way? Most likely, there is a way to see it in a more positive way.

Examples of successful reframing

  • Instead of saying, ‘i’ve never been good at music’, focus on the future- ‘I am practicing music at the moment and will become better in the future.’
  • Rather than saying ‘They don’t like me’, focus on ‘what you like about yourself’ as this is what you have control over anyway.
  • Try not to always play the victim and think that ‘things always happen to me’, instead try to understand ‘how you may have made that happen to yourself’

Once you have realized the answers to the above questions, you will find that you see the positives much more clearly and this allows you to calmly react. With practice, this becomes a more natural process and you will be able to approach each difficult situation that you come into contact with, in a much more constructive way.

Reframing the situations that you find yourself in and consequently the thought processes that you have surrounding these situations can ensure that you work towards solutions and feeling more positive. This can have a great impact on mental health as you spend less time becoming anxious or nervous and more time focusing on yourself and how you can impact change. This is why reframing is highly effective to so many people. Remember, practice makes perfect so start practicing today!

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Feel Τherapeutics
feel the blog

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