Mental Health in Summer: Boost or Battle?

Feel Τherapeutics
feel the blog
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2018

Mental Health is something, which everyone should pay attention to no matter what time of year it is. Both to your own mental health and to others around you. However, summertime is a point in the year when mental health becomes particularly in focus. This is because the weather and light changes therefore people’s moods and attitudes to life change. This can have a positive impact on us but can also draw attention to our own negative feelings and can make life harder for many.


Summertime can be a great boost for mental health because of the naturally occurring positives that happen. Inevitably there is the weather to take into account with more sunshine, longer days and warmer nights. This can increase your mood in a natural way due to the increased level of Vitamin D and serotonin from the sunshine, which makes you feel happier as they are both mood-boosters. This can give you the additional help you need to combat your own mental health issues and to remain balanced and in control.

Dr Phyllis Zee, professor of neurology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine says that, ‘Light is the most potent agent to synchronize your internal body clock — regulating circadian rhythms which, in turn, also regulate energy balance’. This means that the summer gives you a sense of rhythm, which can be difficult to achieve otherwise. You may find it easier to wake up in the mornings and simply have more energy to take on the challenges of the day. Being well rested and energetic is a great help in looking after your mental health, making it easier throughout summer.

The effects of this sunlight also means that people are generally more motivated to start doing more. You may find yourself going out with friends more and planning vacations as well as embracing a more enriched life health-wise. It is the time of year that people start to look after their bodies in terms of healthy eating and fresh produce. Being outside can also mean you are exercising more, which is excellent for your mental health

How to Boost your Mental Health even Further in Summertime:

  1. Make sure you take breaks to enjoy the sunshine and be outside. Use SPF to avoid harmful rays but utilize this additional freedom you have!
  2. Plan events and activities with your friends, do not just participate. That way, you are doing something you love while motivating your friends to join you.
  3. Discover mental health foods, which are abundant at this time of year and start that health-kick you have been talking about all winter!


All of the aforementioned points are highly uplifting but at the same time it can be a hard time of year for some people. With the warmer weather, comes less clothing and the pressure to wear beach clothing. This can be a minefield for people and often body shaming and name calling can occur.

Also, people who do not feel like they have friends and family to turn to may feel that this is an even more lonely time of year because it is highlighted. It is always difficult to meet new people and if you are alone to begin with, it can feel hopeless.

People often like to travel at this time of year and for many, this can cause anxiety. From flying to experiencing a new culture, taking trips can be very rough for many.

How to Battle Against the Difficulties of Mental Health in Summertime:

  1. Wear what you feel comfortable in and focus on seeing the positives in your appearance. Do not let how you feel about yourself, hold you back from self-improvement.
  2. Spend time with loved ones and those who you feel comfortable around in order to feel fulfilled.
  3. Get out and be active, even if it is just walking your dog or a paddle in the sea.
  4. Take up a new hobby to keep yourself distracted from what everyone else is doing and to find a new focus!


Take time for yourself this summer and if you can, try to look out for those who may be suffering. Giving to others is great for your own mental health too and you never know, you might find a new hobby or best friend as a result!



Feel Τherapeutics
feel the blog

Feel develops Digital Biomarkers & Therapeutics to bring objective data & measurement in the way we diagnose & care for Mental Health➡️