Why Saying “Thank You” is Your New Superpower

Feel Τherapeutics
feel the blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2018

It turns out that saying thank you is kind of a superpower.

The importance of expressing gratitude has been long argued by psychologists and mental health professionals. Below, we dive deeper into just how and why that works.

Many studies, including one from Harvard University, have found strong links between expressing gratitude and overall happiness. Below is to review some of the benefits of expressing gratitude that will make you want to take the process beyond and perhaps into your daily routine.

Below are three ways that expressing gratitude can change your life for the better

1. A more hopeful and positive mindset

Two psychologists from UC David conducted research where they asked participants to write a few sentences a week. One of those groups focused on what they were grateful for, while the other did not. After just 10 weeks, that grateful group. After just 10 weeks, that grateful group felt significantly more optimistic than the rest. They were also found to have fewer visits to the doctor than those who didn’t write about gratitude! You see, when we focus our mind on being grateful even for little things it gets into positive mindset flow and stays there for good. This was a powerful demonstration of how a focus on gratitude, even for the smallest things, helps us get into a positive groove and mindset. Make sure you practice gratitude regularly to create the habit of both acknowledging your gratitude for others and yourself. Thus, we go to #2.

2. Improved relationships

Did you know that empathy can increase when you’re more grateful? A 2012 paper in Social Psychology and Personality Science found that increased gratitude was linked to greater empathy.“Gratitude motivates people to express sensitivity and concern for others,” the research found. It was also shown to decrease aggression.

If you’re looking to improve your relationships, expressing gratitude is an easy way to kick-start the process.

3. Improved sleep

Have you tried making a list of what you’re grateful for before bed? This is not only a much healthier way to wind down rather than scrolling through instagram, but it might actually help you sleep better! A 2009 study from the Journal of Psychosomatic Research found that people who expressed gratitude not only slept better, but also longer than people who didn’t.

Given that it’s scientifically proven that you can improve your mental health, relationships, and sleep, you might be asking “how can I express gratitude?” There is no magic gratitude pill, and it takes a concerted effort on your part. Luckily, it’s also quite easy. Just grab a pen and paper and write a list of things you’re grateful for. Try doing this in the morning as part of a healthy routine to kickstart your day, or at night right before bed. Another easy way is to simply say “thank you” more to people in your life. Have you expressed gratitude to your loved ones lately? Pick up the phone and let them know! Not only will you feel better, but you’re also uplifting another person in the process.

If you haven’t had a gratitude practice before, now looks like the right moment to kick one off :). Remember, it’s never too late to get started! What are you grateful for today? Share with us!

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Feel Τherapeutics
feel the blog

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