Humio Simplifies Kubernetes Logging with Helm

PJ Hagerty
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2018
Avast! Logs ho!

Containers are nothing new in the infrastructure world. New, better, and more secure solutions and versions of tools come out seemingly daily. The beauty of this is the flexibility it gives as far as application deployment and architecture options.

Humio loves flexibility! As such, our engineers have been working on ways to better leverage containers with a focus on Humio interacting with Kubernetes. While it’s been possible to use K8s with Humio in the past, we’ve made it easier to start managing logs with Humio once you have a cluster staged and running.

Note: For the purposes of this blog post, minikube is being used locally with VirtualBox for the Virtual Machine. These are personal choices and you may decide to try other options.

Once you have your favorite flavor of kubernetes installed, get it up and running:

$ minikube start  --vm-driver=virtualboxStarting local Kubernetes v1.10.0 cluster…Starting VM…Kubectl is now configured to use the cluster.Loading cached images from config file

Once we have a functioning kubernetes pod, we can move on to the important part of getting Humio connected and pulling our log information.

In order to start taking advantage of Humio with our Kubernetes setup, we’ll need to be sure the package manager for Kubernetes is installed — Helm. Directions for installing Helm for your particular OS flavor can be found on the Helm Github page.

Once Helm is setup, take your ingest token from your Humio Dataspace page…

…and add it to the humio-agent.yaml file in the directory where your kubernetes cluster and helm are being run from.

With everything in place, we run a simple Helm command to get the logs rolling:

helm install stable/fluent-bit --name=humio-agent -f humio-agent.yaml

Once this runs, you should be able to head to your Humio dashboard to see something like this:

Voila! Easier than our previous iteration and just a few easy steps get you managed logs from your Kubernetes cluster.

This, however, is just one of the features we’ve been working on in our latest release in our continuing effort to make Humio the best log management option available! Some other changes include new functions with the Humio search language itself, new syntax, and new parser functionality, just to name a few.

We are continually working to make Humio easier to use and access, better for the needs of our community and our users. Feel free to get in touch with any questions you might have or ideas for future features!



PJ Hagerty
Editor for

Developer, writer, speaker, musician, and Community Advocate, PJ is the founder of He is known to travel the world speaking about programming.