What is the ‘Feel Think Do’ Project?

A tribe built through shared experience


First time writing — Photo by Grant Murray

The beginning.

Feel Think Do started as a personal journey for Matt Masters. In 2017, a month after moving to Thailand, Matt returned to Australia for a friend’s wedding. Two weeks turned into two months because of a family tragedy. Matt’s mum lost her ongoing battle with cancer, and the day after the funeral, a stroke incapacitated his dad and it was uncertain if he would survive. Life was pretty shit at that point.

A long-term journal writer, Matt dived into writing to sort out what was happening. Moving, loss, living in a new country and starting a new business — everything stalled.

He had helped people for many years using the lessons & experiences of a lurid past. There was a mental process he used to help himself and others. He needed to get that process onto the page so he could break the emotional loop he was in.

A method formed on the page and few close friends asked if they could try it. It worked for them. Feel Think Do was born. Two years on, we learnt, adjusted, edited and went into production.

Who are the FTD Tribe?

We are people from around the world who use the Feel Think Do Journal and incorporate its ideology into our lives. We are different flavours made from the same, base ingredients.

We are artists, accountants, coaches, soldiers, students and teachers. Those with a passion for writing and those who have never written. Some of us live in a state of gratitude & positivity, and some of us struggle every day.

We are everyday people. People with a story. We are you.

Kickstarter copies hand-delivered — Photo by Feel Think Do

What is the “Feel Think Do” Project?

It started as a book, a diary. Some lines on a page, underpinned by an idea and perspective to gain self-awareness and create goals. A safe space to ask and work through the questions we avoid, or never know we have. The lines needed testing.

We ran an experiment. Forty-Five Writers, Thirty Days, One directive — BREAK IT!

The journal worked. The lines created a safe space, the idea provided some structure and people gave themselves permission, to be honest with themselves. But it was just the beginning. As people discovered themselves and found traction, they opened up (different flavours) and started to share their experiences ( same ingredients) with others. The experience led to questions and questions led to connections.

The journal was a tool. The idea and method were its strength. A community started to form.

50 Prototype Copies — Photo by Matt Masters

Feel Think Do on Medium.

Medium is a central place for people to share their stories, experiences, advice and tips. Every writer has found their own flow within the page while strengthening their Emotion — Logic — Action cycle.

Writing in a journal is personal. There is much we need to confront inside before we let it out into the world. This publication is for those who are ready to share. It allows people to raise their voice and express… whatever they need too.

People can share their entries; their challenges and triumphs. Things they have learnt along that may help others. We share different methods for using the journal and its lines.

The FTD Project on Medium is a safe place for people to express, connect and grow together.

Submission and Publishing.

All writers in this publication are FTD Journal users. They write of insights found within their pages that flow out into other aspects of their lives. Any

FTD user is welcome, and encouraged, to share here.

Writers are welcome to publish under their own profiles. We recommend this as it is part of the “step up and own yourself” journey. Not everyone is that comfortable yet, so we write letters under the FTD banner to get their voice into the world while protecting their privacy.

People can publish whatever they need too, as everyone’s journey is different.

We foster a positive environment. But you cannot please everyone and everyone has an opinion. People are welcome to submit on any topic, we welcome diversity and thought-provoking words.

We will not censor language or topics if they are raw and authentic. It is your voice.

We will not publish:

- Topics that incite racism or hate.
- Topics that attack groups. (There is a difference between constructive writing and slander.)
- Abusive/non-constructive comments. (You are welcome to your opinion, but Rule # 1 — Don’t be a dick!)

It is the Publications discretion for what we publish.

Welcome to FEEL THINK DO, check us out here.



Matt Masters (CHAOSHUMOUR)
FEEL THINK DO — Journal Project

Creator of FEEL THINK DO Journal www.feelthinkdo.live Rider. Learner. Teacher. Fuck up. Coming out the other side enough times to learn… mostly.