Why Feeld goes to Slack

Feeld Status
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2017

We just launched our Feeld Bot for Slack.

For those who are not familiar with Slack, it’s a communication tool which replaces email between colleagues, essentially the ‘digital office’ of some companies like ours, where we all work remotely. The Feeld bot’s main purpose is to allow coworkers who like each other to discover it by mentioning their crush to the bot. If two people mention each other privately to the bot, it notifies both of them they have a match.

The Feeld bot is another social experiment from us, we are curious about how companies from around the world will respond to it. Some might argue that it’s a risky move to install such an ‘assistant’ (and behaviour) at the work place, yet we think it has the potential to make the work place more human.

Since its beginnings Feeld has been on a mission to normalise sexuality by supporting curiosity and openness. A few years ago we opened up to each other, opened our relationship and created Feeld. Corporations try to mark us as ‘adult entertainment’ and ‘pornography’ — a disappointing but expected attitude from organisations with goals and beliefs from the 1990. Albeit the struggles, we keep fighting for acceptance in society. With this Slack bot we expect to trigger a wave of different opinions but to also inspire people to question the world. We have predefined frameworks of love, work and how we should behave according to company guide books, religious beliefs or governmental bills. All of us at Feeld question the norms and define our own more human, more real way of existing in the world.

Merge who you are with what you do and enjoy more harmony within yourself and everyone around you.

Dimo & Ana

