Weekly update: 29.01.2018

Our slightly late but pretty comprehensive update!

Ana Kirova
Feeld Status
3 min readJan 29, 2018



  • We have been working on a lot of improvements to user experience and design.
  • We are improving our Help section in the app to make it easier for you to navigate it.
  • We have made progress on photo upload and on a special feature for our Majestic members.
  • We are integrating our Support team deeper within product, which will give us an even better insight into how to really enhance your experience.



We are working to improve the recently launched version of Feeld*. We are closely following all issues reported here. The latest update (4.0.4) which we shipped last week has addressed the following issues:

  • We have made progress on the lingering notification badge issue. It is not entirely eradicated but we will keep looking into it.
  • We have added numerous Error descriptions to make sure we address the right problem whenever you experience it.
  • We have fixed an issue with text field overlapping with the last message in Chat.
  • We have fixed an issue with couple profiles appearing in Future Connections inaccurately.
  • We have added haptic feedback in various places throughout the app.
  • We keep looking into the login issue some of you have. We are unable to reproduce it, which is slowing us down but please bear with us, we will have it fixed soon. It is a top priority for the team.

*We are sad to say that members who have an operating system older than iOS 10.0 won’t be able to use Feeld anymore. It is costly and hard for our 2-member iOS team to maintain and we had to make the difficult decision to discontinue support for it. We hope to have you back you on an updated iOS or on an Android device.


The new Feeld is out on Google Play and we are working on bugs you have reported here:

  • We fixed an issue which caused a wrong date to show in chat when a member is offline or has bad connection.
  • We have made numerous improvements to Search settings to be able to deliver more accurate search results.
  • We have made improvements to how location is presented to a user.


  • We have been working on improving speed and experience.
  • We are working on improving our analytics platform.
  • We are implementing processes in place to make sure we comply fully with the upcoming updates to EU’s user data regulatory rules.
  • We made improvements to how we present profiles in Discover.
  • We have made progress on a Majestic feature which will be live on Android very soon.


We are introducing this section where you can follow the progress of our newly formed marketing team too!

  • We have recently started resuscitated our Instagram profile, follow us @FeeldCo!
  • We are working on our partnerships strategy, some exciting news to come soon!


We announced Feeld Signal, have a look and watch this space!

Thank you for your patience and watch out for next week’s update.

Tell us how we can improve our Weekly Updates.

