News Squad
Feeling Saucy
Published in
4 min readDec 16, 2023


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Grillin’ up some BBQ ribs is like takin’ a trip to flavor town where the streets are paved with sticky, spicy goodness and every corner has a scent of smokey delight. Let’s get one thing straight — no matter if you’re makin’ them in an oven or over a pit of smolderin’ coals, the secret to the best BBQ ribs is in the love and care you put into each step of the cookin’ process. The kind of love that takes time, from marinatin’ to rubbin’, slow cookin’, and finally slatherin’ on that spicy BBQ sauce that’ll make your taste buds dance.

Now, I’m gonna walk you through the perfect way to make sticky, fall-off-the-bone ribs where the meat’s so tender it practically whispers goodbye to the bone as it makes its way to your plate. And don’t worry if you don’t have a smoker or a fancy setup. I’ll show ya how to create magic right in your kitchen oven. By the end, you’ll have the skills to make ribs that’ll have your family and friends thinkin’ you’re the BBQ pit master of the neighborhood.

First things first, we gotta pick the right kind of ribs. Baby back ribs are the MVPs for this recipe — they’re meatier and cook up a bit quicker than their cousins, the spare ribs. You want to look for ribs that have a good amount of meat on ’em and aren’t too fatty. Once you’ve got your hands on a nice rack, it’s time to prep. I’m talkin’ about removin’ that pesky membrane on the back. It’s not as scary as it sounds, just slide your fingers underneath it and peel it away. This little move lets all those spicy flavors we gonna add seep in deep.

Next up, grab your favorite spices — we’re makin’ a dry rub that’s gonna be your secret weapon. I’m talkin’ brown sugar for sweetness, chili powder for that kick, paprika for smokiness, and a little garlic and onion powder to round it off. Oh, and don’t forget a pinch of salt and pepper. Rub that mix all over your ribs, front and back, and get ready for the magic to happen.

Let’s talk cookin’. Some folks like to throw their ribs directly on the grill, but we’re gonna start these beauties in the oven. It’s all about low and slow, my friends. You’re gonna wanna wrap your ribs in foil and bake ’em at a moderate 275°F for about 2 to 2 1/2 hours. What we’re doin’ here is breakin’ down all the tough stuff in the meat, making it buttery soft.

Now, let’s get serious — the sauce. A spicy bbq sauce is the heart of this dish, and it’s gotta be just right. We’re mixin’ ketchup for the base, vinegar for tang, a nice spoonful of brown sugar, and a few drops of hot sauce — or more if you’re feelin’ brave. Heat it up and let it thicken, then it’s ready to slather all over your ribs.

But we ain’t done just yet. Once your ribs are fork-tender, take ’em out of the oven, remove the foil, and get a generous amount of that spicy BBQ sauce on ’em. Then, pop those ribs back in the oven for an additional 10 minutes, or if you’re feelin’ fancy, give ’em a quick char on the grill. It’ll caramelize that sauce and give you sticky, smoky ribs that are out of this world.

Now, let’s break down the recipe in an easy-to-follow way so y’all can get to cookin’:



  • Baby back ribs (1 rack)
  • Brown sugar (1/4 cup)
  • Chili powder (1 tbsp)
  • Smoked paprika (1 tbsp)
  • Garlic powder (1 tsp)
  • Onion powder (1 tsp)
  • Salt (1 tsp)
  • Black pepper (1/2 tsp)
  • Aluminum foil


  • Ketchup (1 cup)
  • Apple cider vinegar (1/4 cup)
  • Brown sugar (1/4 cup)
  • Hot sauce (to taste)


  1. Preheat your oven to 275°F.
  2. Remove the membrane from the back of the ribs.
  3. Combine brown sugar, chili powder, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and black pepper to make the rub.
  4. Apply the dry rub all over the ribs, both sides.
  5. Wrap the ribs in aluminum foil and place them on a baking sheet.
  6. Bake in the oven for about 2 to 2 1/2 hours.
  7. While the ribs are baking, make the spicy BBQ sauce by combining ketchup, vinegar, brown sugar, and hot sauce in a saucepan. Simmer until it thickens.
  8. After the ribs are tender, remove from the oven and increase the temperature to 350°F.
  9. Carefully unwrap the ribs and discard the foil.
  10. Brush a generous amount of spicy BBQ sauce over the ribs.
  11. Return the ribs to the oven or finish them on the grill for about 10 minutes to caramelize the sauce.
  12. Let the ribs rest for a few minutes before cutting and serving.

And there y’all have it! Stick to these steps, and your BBQ ribs will be the talk of the town. Remember, the best BBQ is made with patience and love, a little bit of heat, and a whole lot of sauce. So go on, wear that apron like a badge of honor and make some finger-lickin’ good ribs that’ll have ’em comin’ back for more.


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