News Squad
Feeling Saucy
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2023


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When we talk about BBQ, one thing that really makes a big diffrence is the sauce you choose to slather on those smoky, tender meats. It’s the superhero of any barbecue event — a cast of flavors that can take your taste buds on a wild roller-coaster ride. Now, just imagine your chicken wings coated in a sticky, sweet, and just the right amount of spicy sauce, glistening under the summer sun. That’s what I call a backyard feast!

Before you dive into cooking, let’s talk about finding the right sauce. There’s a whole world of ’em at the grocery store — shelves filled with bottles upon bottles of BBQ sauces claiming to be the best. But how can you know which one’s really gonna knock your socks off? Sometimes, you have to taste a bunch before you find “the one.” Some friends and I did just that, and we got some faves that you gotta try!

Now, let’s not skip over the part where making your own BBQ sauce is a game-changer. I’ve got a killer spicy BBQ sauce recipe that’ll send those bottled sauces running for the hills. It’s got sweetness, heat, and a nice little tang that’ll make your chicken wings or any grilled meat sing. And that sticky factor? Oh, you bet! It’s like each chicken wing has been hugged by a spicy, candy coat of deliciousness.

Here’s what you need for my Ultimate Spicy BBQ Sauce:

  • 2 cups of ketchup (it’s the base of all good things in the BBQ sauce world)
  • 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar (for that kick and to balance the sweetness)
  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar (it’s gonna give you that sticky sweetness)
  • 1/4 cup of honey (more sweet, because why not?)
  • 2 tablespoons of hot sauce (that’s where the magic happens, but you can add to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon of smoked paprika (for that smoky flavor)
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic powder (because garlic makes everything better)
  • 1 teaspoon of onion powder (subtle background flavor)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper (to turn up the heat)
  • Salt and pepper to taste (always season your food, folks!)

Let’s cook it up:

  1. Grab yourself a saucepan, and put it over medium heat.
  2. Chuck all the ingredients into the saucepan, and give it a good mix.
  3. Bring the saucy potion to a simmer. That means little bubbles, not a full-out boil.
  4. Let it bubble away for about 15 minutes. You want the sauce to thicken up a bit.
  5. Taste it (not with your fingers, silly — use a spoon!) and tweak it. Need more heat? Drop in some more hot sauce. Too spicy? A little more honey will calm it down.

What you get is the ultimate BBQ sauce that’s gonna make you the hero of every cookout. Now go slather it on everything!

The Best Sticky Saucy Barbecue Wings recipe:

  • Chicken wings, let’s say, 3 pounds because no one can eat just one
  • Salt and pepper for seasoning those wings
  • 1 batch of Ultimate Spicy BBQ Sauce (recipe above)

Cooking Time:

  1. Preheat your grill. You want it hot like a Texas summer.
  2. Season your chicken wings with salt and pepper like you’re sprinkling fairy dust.
  3. Once the grill’s ready, place those wings on it. Keep them moving so they don’t stick and burn.
  4. Now here’s the fun part — when they’re almost done, start painting those wings with the sauce. Brush on one side, let it caramelize, then flip and repeat.
  5. Keep doing this until the wings are sticky and coated nicely with multiple layers of your sweet and spicy masterpiece.

Serve them up hot and watch everyone’s eyes light up. They’re gonna want your secret recipe, but you don’t have to tell them unless you wanna be super nice.

Finding the ultimate sauce is a quest that might lead you through more misses than hits, but enjoy the journey! Whether it’s a store-bought fave or your homemade brew, make sure it’s got the perfect balance of flavors for your palate. A sauce can make or break a BBQ dish, but when you get it just right, oh boy, it’s magic! Keep tasting, keep experimenting, and keep those grills sizzling, my friends.


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