Eureka! Tanvas is going to CES 2017

Feeling Disruptive
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2016

The office has been all abuzz since we learned of our acceptance into Eureka Park, the flagship startup destination at CES. Since then, we’ve gussied up our CES Exhibitor page and are busy making preparations to debut TanvasTouch to the world.

TanvasTouch is a patented technology that simulates real touch and an unlimited number of textures and effects on any touchscreen. We use surface haptics to add a new dimension of interaction that goes beyond the buzz of vibration and brings unlimited textures and feelings to flat, physical surfaces. That essentially means you can feel what you see on any touch display.

The combination of sensing and haptics on the same layer makes Tanvas unlike anything on the market today. The technology has its beginnings in the laboratory of Ed Colgate and Michael Peshkin at Northwestern University. Over the past five years, our team has built it into a robust commercial offering. And today, TanvasTouch is poised to be integrated into any touch-enabled product across a wide range of verticals including automotive, retail, consumer electronics, and custom displays.

The potential applications for this novel technology are limitless and we hope to inspire creative people far and wide to build touch into their products, apps, ads and more. Our CEO, Greg Topel, says it best: “CES is a tremendous opportunity for many thousands of people to literally get their hands on our technology. In order for the promise of this new touch dimension to reach its full capacity, it needs to be seen and felt by the widest possible audience. We believe CES is unequivocally the best venue to do just that.”

For those who haven’t checked out our newly updated website, we welcome you to take a look around and learn more. If you’re planning to attend CES in January, be sure to stop Booth 50408 in Eureka Park — Sands, Hall G. Can’t wait? Feel free to get in touch directly (<=== see what we did there?)



Feeling Disruptive

Our technology allows you to feel what you see on a touchscreen. Rediscover Touch at