Meet the Chatbot

Angela Guastella
Feersum Engine
Published in
5 min readJul 25, 2018

You’ve likely heard of them, possibly read an article or two related to them and have probably even interacted with one of them without even realising.

Meet the chatbot.

While the term has become more familiar and more frequently flung into tech-related conversation over the past couple of years, there is still a large portion of people who aren’t quite sure of what these virtual ‘creatures’ are and don’t fully understand why they’re all up in their business — and thousands of businesses around the world.

If you’re one of them, we’re here to help with a little ‘Chatbots 101’ knowledge starter kit.

What is a chatbot?

Oxford Dictionaries explains it pretty well:

“A computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the Internet.”

Using super-cool technologies with fancy names — read more about them and how they work in our article, ‘Let’s chat bot lingo — chatbots are ‘virtual agents’ that we’re able to engage with using chat. They’re able to interpret what we ‘say’ to them and formulate an appropriate, relevant response — just like a human converstaion.

Have you ever visited a website and a little window pops up with someone asking you if they can help or what you’re looking for? Chances are good that was a chatbot. And don’t worry if you been fooled by their super-human responses, you’re definitely not alone. That’s the point. Well, not to fool, but rather, to assist in a familiar, human way.

Chatbots are able to be integrated into various platforms, from a website or app to Whatsapp, Twitter or Facebook Messenger, allowing you to engage with them as you would usually with another human in each respective platform. Rather than having to download an app or search a website for what you’re looking for — simply ask the chatbot that conveniently pops up in your instant messaging app in a way that is quick, easy and already familiar.

What are they used for?

The list is long. And it’s growing pretty quickly. There’s already a chatbot for almost everything, from one that helps you to find the perfect movie by asking you various questions about what you feel like watching, to ones that tell you about the weather, take your takeaway order, help you find the perfect gift for someone, give medical or legal advice and even act as a virtual psychologist. If you can imagine it, a chatbot can probably rise to the challenge.

In a business context specifically, chatbots open up a whole other sphere of business-boosting possibility. But that deserves a whole other question.

So here it is…

What are the key benefits for businesses?

Chatbots can pack a productivity-boosting power punch for businesses.

While we’ve only scratched the surface of their potential, these are some of the reasons why they’ve already earned their place in businesses around the world — from startups to industry-leading giants.

· Customer service that never sleeps: Chatbots don’t do naps. Unlike humans, they’re available 24/7 to answer customer queries. They’re also the perfect tool to answer common, repetitive daily queries and free up human agents for the more complex enquiries that require more of a human touch. Win!

· Improved customer experience: Chatbots allow users to get the information they want quickly, easily, using the interface that they understand best — natural human language.

· Efficient sales processes: Conversational commerce (good one to whip out at the next braai) is basically the automation of all engagements and transactions with a company. From placing orders to customer information forms, payments and qualifying leads, chatbots can add extra torque to a sales engine.

· Streamlined internal operations: Chatbots can take a huge load off a business’ administrative tasks by managing calendars, to-do lists and meeting scheduling. More than 2000 companies use Talla — a chatbot that answers employee questions — from HR to IT — again, freeing up human staff to take care of other work.

What type of organisations can benefit from them?

Chatbots are not exclusive to big businesses. More and more small businesses are using them as an affordable way to help grow their business, drive sales and provide excellent customer service and experience with limited human resources.

Chatbots also offer a wealth of benefits for NGOs, from offering supporters information about their cause, to facilitating donations, and providing aid quickly and easily.

How much do they cost to build?

While there is often a perception that chatbots come at a hefty price tag, that’s not always the case. The cost of a chatbot will be based on the degree of complexity it requires to be built. The more development it requires — basically the more (or more complicated) the work it has to do, the pricier it will be. On average though, our mid-range chatbots are around the same price to create as a website and much cheaper to create and quicker to deploy than your average app.

How do I create one?

Here’s where Feersum Engine comes in.

We create customised chatbots that can operate on multiple platforms — Twitter, Facebook Messenger, apps, websites, etc.

We work with you to develop a chatbot that fits your business needs, budget and brand persona. Imagine creating the perfect employee for the job — that’s pretty much what we do. With your help of course.

The chatbots that we create are:

· Multi-lingual: We specialise in creating chabots that are able to interpret and respond to multiple African languages, making them the perfect tool to drive engagement in frontier markets.

· Personal: They are fully customisable and therefore able to be adapted to the perfect tone and personality to fit your brand.

· Familiar: They are intuitive, conversational and able to operate on existing platforms that users are already familiar with.

· Evolving: Just like AI technology itself, our chatbots are constantly evolving and learning, adding new languages and ultimately, making the user experience better.

To find out more about us, or just chatbots in general, email us at and let’s chat!

