What’s wrong with organizing Secret Santa in your office?

FeetApart Health
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2017

With years passing we have adopted the culture of bringing in the excitement by signing carols, distributing chocolates and engaging our employees by organizing Secret Santa.

Any event that is organized by any organization, is well accepted by 60% of the employees. The other 40% smile a little less and crib a little more. Let alone the disappointment from the gifts that majority of people have, but the whole head scratching experience you have to go through if you get a person you do not like / know or the most horrendous thing that could happen — Your own Boss is your Santee!! #HelpHelpHelp

Let’s forget all this, what actually gives me nightmares is the choice and quality of the gifts. What if I am on a controlled diet and someone gives me a not-so-resistable box of cookies? What if I don’t like a particular author, and now I have a book rotting in my shelf? I am not even mentioning the standard Coffee Mugs, Greeting Cards, Show Pieces and Pens. They shouldn’t qualify to be gifts!

I spoke around to a couple of friends and found out that Secret Santa is a common phenomenon in every company. Now count how many number of people we are disappointing and how many healthier lifestyles we are breaking? I am sure just the thought of this made you a little sad! :(

So now the problem is defined and is floating around the corner, the real question is — “How do we Tackle this?”, “How do we stop making Secret Santa a disaster?”

The solution is simple — Give a gift that can be used by everyone. And if I have to add a cherry of the cake and let the secret out — giving this gift can actually help you and your organization as well?

1 simple gift for your organizationSign Up with FeetApart and inspire better lifestyles among your colleagues and co-workers!

Naturally, you may ask — What are the benefits and hey, is this really a One-Stop Solution?

The answer is — Absolutely! And here are the benefits of joining and engaging with FeetApart -

Why choose FeetApart

Give the gift of a better lifestyle this Christmas with FeetApart

In the end, all I have to say — I hope you have a Merry Christmas and make sure you make Christmas merrier for others too. And just in case, you need any help — Get in Touch!

Over and out,

Yours Truly!



FeetApart Health

A personalized and gamified social wellness platform that helps you lead a stress-free and healthy lifestyle