What’s Your Organisation’s New Years’ Resolution?

With the clock ticking quickly towards 2017 all social media websites are filled with New Year resolutions. There is something magical about a year-end as it gives a lot of people a sense of relief and hopes to start their life afresh from the start of the New Year.

FeetApart Wellness
3 min readJan 5, 2017


Most commonly people pledge to get fitter, to travel more, to spend more time with their family, or to pursue something that gives them happiness. But one segment that is often ignored from New Year resolutions is our work life. Maybe because our work life depends on multiple factors such as work environment, our colleagues and goals of the organisation which are not under our control.

However, it is important that we carry the same enthusiasm to make the most of the New Year into our work life as well. So in order to facilitate the #NewYearNewYou spirit even at our workplaces here are a few resolutions that organisations need to consider.

Give your employees autonomy at work:

Freedom is the greatest gift that you can give anybody, so why hold it back from your employees! It is essential for an organisation to have a structure and to work is an organised manner but that doesn’t mean that employees can’t have autonomy with respect to their tasks.

If your organisation is still following an authoritarian approach it’s time you make a New Year resolution to give your employees more autonomy at work. This will not only increase their involvement at the workplace, but will also motivate them to perform better than expectations.

Treat employee health and wellness as a top priority:

According to a recent research article published by the Gulf News, Indians are more likely to be affected by cardiovascular diseases at an early age than westerners. This is mainly due to the increasing obesity levels and the sedentary lifestyle of majority of the working Indian population.

As an organisation it is your responsibility to ensure that your employees leads a good quality of life, not just professionally but also physically. This New Year take a resolution to implement wellness programs for your employees to help them cope with stress, and to better their physical fitness.

If you don’t have the budget to provide them with in-house gyms or medical centres, ensure that you provide them a digitised wellness solution, which will help them move towards a healthier lifestyle.

Learn the art of appreciation:

Do you remember how excited you used to get when a teacher use to give you a star for your homework? No matter how old we get we always like to feel appreciated for our efforts. This New Year take a resolution to make your employees feel more appreciated at work. A small pat on the back, a letter of appreciation, or a special mention at the weekly meeting don’t require a lot of effort, but will act as a great source of motivation for your employees.

Create an environment for growth:

Gone are the days when employees spent years and years in an organisation just to make ends meet. The Millennials not just want to earn big bucks but also want to grow in terms of knowledge and professional skills. As an organisation it is essential that you mould job roles with enough growth opportunities so that employees can constantly upgrade their skills. So start 2017 with a resolution to provide your employees with multiple learning opportunities



FeetApart Wellness

We are a personalised and gamified Employee Wellness Solution. Our primary aim is to help employees plagued with desk jobs to move towards a fitter lifestyle.