PaperSpigot and Docker — Rights at the corresponding projects

PaperSpigot in Docker | Containerized Minecraft server

Felix Klauke


Ever wanted a simple deployment for your paper spigot based minecraft server? Take this one!

What (Server admins skip to: “How”)

This is about the creation of a very simple, clean and easy to use docker image for deploying your own paperspigot based minecraft server. The build is very good encapsulated and will build a patched version of the minecraft server for you that will include all modifications of the paper project ( It’s therefor a multi staged build and uses openjdk for the patch stage and Oracle Java at the runtime based on a linux alpine image (Source:


I don’t really know why. This is some kind of sunday-morning-I-have-no-idea-what-the-fvck-am-I-doing project. There aren’t that many ready to use images for paper spigot out there thats why I created my own. I also wanted to try to make some docker images — this is a simple entrance level result of what I thought while laying in my bed thinking about god and the world.


The how is explained fast. You can easily do a quick start via:

docker run -it -v ~/server:/data felixklauke/paperspigot:1.12.2

The serious user would maybe like to use this in his docker-compose setup:

version: '3'  
image: felixklauke/paperspigot
restart: always
- 25565:25565
- /srv/minecraft:/data

At the moment the following versions are available:

  • felixklauke/paperspigot:1.13.1 (Use with Caution, development build!)
  • felixklauke/paperspigot:1.12.2
  • felixklauke/paperspigot:1.11.2
  • felixklauke/paperspigot:1.10.2
  • felixklauke/paperspigot:1.9.4
  • felixklauke/paperspigot:1.8.8

You can also easily build your own images with your own versions. You only have to get a valid PaperClip link from and use it as build argument:

docker build -t "felixklauke/paperspigot:1.13.1" --build-arg PAPERCLIP_URL= .


You can find the source code on GitHub (, the ready to use images on docker hub ( and some german fast half-joke explanation at (

Have fun with this! There are some more images with various games and software to come!:)



Felix Klauke

25, oving infrastructure and backend services and networking, devops by night, privatizing the world peace, only doing the extravagant jobs