Expert 1-on-1 Meeting Templates for Impactful 1-on-1 Meetings

Templates from our industry experts to drive your next 1-on-1 meeting agenda, impress your team and set you and your team up for success.

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6 min readMay 25, 2023


Supercharge your 1:1s with your employees by consistently having these meetings, listening to your employee and giving them ownership of the agenda

Cultivate a strong relationship with your direct reports and gather insight into their priorities with these 1-on-1 meeting templates created by industry experts:

  1. Kim Scott’s One-on-One Meeting Template
  2. Spencer Norman’s Quarterly Skip Level One-on-One Meeting Template
  3. Rukmini Reddy’s First One-on-One Meeting Template
  4. Rameez Tase’s One-on-One Meeting Template
  5. Adam Ryan’s Weekly 1-on-1 Meeting Template
  6. Russ Laraway’s Career Development Conversation Meeting Template
  7. Chief People Officer, Colleen McCreary, 1:1 Meeting with Employees Template
  8. Cameron Herold, COO at Alliance Daily Huddle Meeting Template
  9. Keith Tatley is the founder of Manager Foundation –One-on-One Meeting with Manager Agenda Template

🌟 Pro Tip: try our meeting agenda app to create, customize, and save your own templates

Kim Scott’s One-on-One Meeting Template

Curated by Kim Scott, co-founder and CEO of Candor, Inc.

  • 🚦 Progress toward goals — How are you progressing towards your goals? What roadblocks have you run into?
  • Career action plan — Talk about and follow up on action items determined in the Career Action Plan.
  • 📣 Manager feedback — The employee gives feedback to the manager.

Spencer Norman’s Quarterly Skip Level One-on-One Meeting Template

Curated by Spencer Norman, VP Engineering at Privy

  • Check-In 🤝 — How are you doing outside of work?
  • Items To Discuss 🗣️ — Where should we start today?
  • Career Goals ‎🎯 — Are there any career goals you’d like to discuss? ‎

Rukmini Reddy’s First One-on-One Meeting Template

Curated by Rukmini Reddy, SVP of Engineering, Platform at Slack

  • 🤝 Ways of working — Ask your report the questions below.
  • 💬 Communication style — Ask your report the questions below.
  • 🏆 Motivations — Ask your report the questions below.

Rameez Tase’s One-on-One Meeting Template

Curated by Rameez Tase, Co-founder & President at Antenna

  • 💪 Accomplishments — Whether big or small, share something you want to celebrate or acknowledge that was accomplished recently.
  • 🎯 Priorities — List your current priorities and provide any necessary progress updates.
  • ⛔️ Blockers — Any challenges that you are musing on? How can I help?
  • 🤔 Questions — Do you have any questions for me? Anything else we should discuss today?
  • Action items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Adam Ryan’s Weekly 1-on-1 Meeting Template

Curated by Adam Ryan, CEO at Workweek

  • ⭐️Personal Stuff (5 minutes) — Let’s kick off the meeting with some personal updates and exciting news!
  • 💬 Questions and Answers — Notify the direct report beforehand to prepare these questions in advance to present their answers.
  • 🤘Rocks (90-day goals) — How can I help you crush your 90-day goals💪.

Career Development Conversation Meeting Template

Created by Russ Laraway, Employee Evangelist at Qualtrics, and former executive at Twitter and Google.

  • 🔍 Life story — Ask questions to help understand people’s motivations and values (the things that drive them.)
  • 💬 Dreams — Ask questions to understand where people want to be at the pinnacle of their careers
  • 💪 Career action plan — Develop an 18-month plan to help the employee develop the necessary skills that they need to grow.
  • Action items — What are the next steps?

Chief People Officer 1:1 Meeting with Employees Template

Curated by Colleen McCreary, Chief People Officer at Credit Karma

  • 💪 Motivation — Find out a lot about motivation, what they were looking for, and to some extent, what they were sold in terms of the vision.
  • 🔍 Feedback — Ask for their opinion about specific processes, tools, and rituals.
  • ❓ Suggestions — After hearing the employee’s feedback, ask if there’s anyone else who might have thoughts or suggestions on the topics discussed above.
  • Action Items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

Daily Huddle Meeting Template

Curated by Cameron Herold, COO at Alliance

  • 🎉 Good news — Share anything positive that’s happened since the last huddle, including praise for fellow employees!
  • 📊 Numbers — Key metrics from your sales funnel.
  • 🔍 Daily forecast — Do a daily forecast on the monthly and yearly revenue versus budget.
  • 💡 Department update — A glimpse into each business area and their top quarterly goals.
  • ⚠️ Missing systems/Frustrations — Share challenges, as long as you ensure it is a no-blame environment.
  • 🙌 Cheer — Get people pumped to take on the workday.

One-on-One Meeting with Manager Agenda Template

Curated by Keith Tatley is the founder of Manager Foundation

  • Personal preamble 👋 — Inquire about the employees well-being and if they have any personal updates to share.
  • Your agenda section 💬 — Add any updates, learnings, and achievements.
  • Your manager’s section 💬 — Add any cascading information, roadblocks, and feedback.
  • Priorities for the week ❗ — List the priorities and tasks you’ll be tackling in the week ahead.
  • Development and growth 🌟 — Skills development, stretch assignments, and career goals.
  • Action items ✅ — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?
  • Notepad 📝 — Anything else to write down?

Looking for more meeting agenda templates?

Check out these other articles:

Or view the entire Fellow meeting template library on our website. In Fellow, the free templates are 100% customizable! Each person can add to and collaborate on the agenda. Plus Fellow has built-in automations to automate some aspects of your meeting workflow.



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