5 Meeting Agenda Templates For Your Next Agency Meeting

Use these templates to establish a clear vision and proper expectations for agencies and clients.

Fellow app
6 min readJun 27, 2023


Every successful agency knows that the key to their success is knowing how to work well with clients and how to hold productive meetings with effective communication.

No matter what type of agency you’re a part of or the type of clients you partner with, here are 5 meeting agenda templates created by the Fellow.app team for your next agency meeting:

  1. Agency Partnership Meeting Template
  2. Client Onboarding Marketing Agency Meeting Template
  3. Marketing Agency Client Kickoff Meeting Template
  4. Marketing Agency Sales Qualification Meeting Template
  5. Client Kickoff Call Meeting Template (created by HubSpot)

🌟 Pro Tip: try our meeting agenda app to create, customize, and save your own templates

Agency Partnership Meeting Template

  • Agency background — Explain your agency’s vision and mission.
  • Approach — What problems are you solving? What is your agency’s approach to get work done?
  • Case study — Examples of past partnerships and projects where you’ve succeeded.
  • Proposed next steps — What came out of this meeting? What are your action items?

Client Onboarding Marketing Agency Meeting Template

  • 💡 Client information — Share insights on who is the client and why you are working together.
  • 👉 Current strategy — Ask your client about the campaigns and tactics they’re currently using.
  • ⬅️ Past strategies — What are some strategies they’ve used in the past? What lessons can they share with you?
  • 🎯 Goals and objectives — What is the main goal of this client <> agency partnership? How are we going to measure the key results?
  • 🗓 Timeline — What projects does the client have in mind, and what will be the ideal timeline to execute them?
  • 📌 Web assets — What accounts, tools, or assets do we (or the clients) need access to?
  • 💬 Other — Any other questions or items to discuss?
  • Action items — What came out of this meeting? What are the next steps?

Marketing Agency Client Kickoff Meeting Template

  • Introductions 👋 — Introduce yourself, share some of the projects you’re working on and why you enjoy marketing.
  • Expectations 🚀 — What are you hoping to accomplish by working with us?
  • Have you worked with an agency before❓ — What went well? What didn’t go well?
  • Resources 📚 — What resources do we need access to accomplish our goals? (For instance, Google My Business).
  • Housekeeping questions 🤔 — Discuss any remaining financial and payment concerns, communications methods, etc.
  • Next Steps ✅ — What are our next steps? When will we meet again?

Marketing Agency Sales Qualification Meeting Template

  • Company Age — Established companies are more likely to hire you, unless they’re a well-funded startup with an incentive to grow quickly.
  • Employee Count — Small companies rarely hire marketing help, or they’d hire a solo consultant.
  • Number of Marketing Employees — No marketing employees means you don’t have an internal champion. Instead, you’re dealing with someone who’s doing a million other things and doesn’t care about marketing as a priority.
  • Revenue — Tells you if they can afford you. Also lets you say, “Companies in your industry should spend [X%] of revenues on marketing,” and see how they react to that figure.
  • Project / Retainer Budget — Tells if they can afford you, for the level of work they want/need.
  • Overall Marketing Budget — Shows how this work fits into their other marketing.
  • Do they currently work with an agency? Which one? — You don’t want to be their first agency. You also want to know why they’re firing their last agency. They may be firing the agency after having unrealistic expectations… which means a high chance that it’ll happen to you, too.
  • What’s the project deadline? — Get input from your PM team on whether it’s doable given the current project workload. Helps you add a rush-rate premium to your quote(s) if you have to bring in extra resources.
  • What’s their ideal outcome when the project (or retainer) is done? — What do they expect? Is it realistic? Can you deliver, especially on their budget?
  • Who do they see as their competitors? — Gives you data for discussions, and you can briefly check out the competition to see what they’re doing. Also helps you understand if they have national competitors or local competitors, which would significantly affect minimum budgets.
  • What other companies do they admire (even in other industries)? — Who are they comparing themselves to? If they expect Apple-level marketing on a tiny budget, you want to know ahead of time.
  • What prior projects has your agency done in their industry? — It’s easier to sell a prospect if you have relevant portfolio work.

Client Kickoff Call Meeting Template

Created by the team at HubSpot

  • 👋 Team introductions — Give everyone on the call a chance to introduce themselves and explain what their role is.
  • 🎯 SMART goals — Set SMART goals with the customer.
  • 📌 Plans for reaching goals — Based on the goals they’ve set, work out the tactics for accomplishing those goals.
  • ⛔️ Client challenges — List the challenges that the client is facing. Keep this list going and work with them over time to resolve these issues.
  • Action items — Based on the challenges and goals, you want to identify high-priority items that your team can begin to implement immediately.

Looking for more meeting agenda templates?

Check out these other articles:

Or view the entire Fellow meeting template library on our website. In Fellow, the free templates are 100% customizable! Each person can add to and collaborate on the agenda. Plus Fellow has built-in automations to automate some aspects of your meeting workflow.



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