Two Complaints That I Came to Know About Women

Check those girls…and boys, do respond carefully.

Fahmida Huq
3 min readJan 3, 2021

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

People may call me feminist though I hate the term. I talk about Woman Power. I love to see a girl, self-motivated, self-respectful. When I see a courageous girl overrun the Situations where she was dominated through power and rights rather than love and respect, my heart feels wide and open, feels like getting some extra oxygen.

If all these drag the word ‘Feminist' and tag me with it, then who cares.

Once, I heard 2 harsh complaints about women. It’s silly, it’s biased and not worthy to get a response from me at all. But eventually, it dug down a place deep inside my mind so that after ages, those words still keep me reminded that the cells of my brain haven’t removed them at all.

So, what are those silly complaints?

Complaint # 1

Women are, in generally less humorous

Yes, you heard it right. That’s what I exactly heard from a male friend of mine. He is an open-hearted guy, supportive, and not gender biased at all. Probably that is why my subconscious mind still didn’t allow me to forget these words.



Fahmida Huq

Believer, mother, freelance writer, constructive thinker. I try to see the world with most positive approach. Every new day is a new hope to me.