Desire Strategies to Improve Your Writing? Part 2: Audience, Voice, and Development

Learn how to push the clouds away and gain inspiration

Brenda Mahler
Published in
4 min readJan 28, 2021


Photo by Prabowo Laksono on Unsplash

Once you are no longer mired in the minutia that has bogged you down, you will find it is easier to breathe , easier to think, easier to write! The strategies shared in my last article, Desire to Improve Your Writing Skills? Part 1, hopefully inspired you to think about your writing process, break the grasp of writer’s block and record those imaginative, creative ideas that have been bouncing around in your brain searching for a way to escape.

What’s next?

Depending upon what genre you are producing the next steps may differ. Some writers have gathered enough ideas that they can begin writing the draft. Others still require further introspection to provide focus.

Identify the audience and narrow the topic

Sometimes when your topic is defined, you have done the research, and feel qualified to author the article, the audience remains unclear. If you have not identified the audience, there may be false starts or the writing may flow inconsistently and become unfocused. For example, when I write about writing, it is necessary to know if I am writing to students of writing, teachers…



Brenda Mahler

Real life person sharing real life stories. Writing about travel, dogs, and healthy lifestyles.