Desire Strategies to Improve Your Writing? Part 4: Editing

It’s a beautiful day but it’s time to rake the leaves

Brenda Mahler
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2021


Photo by Mário Rui André on Unsplash

Even if you have conceptually produced a wonderful piece of writing without editing, it appears as a yard littered with leaves and debris that cannot be appreciated without some tender loving care.

Editing requires attention to the littlest details in the narrative: punctuation, spelling, grammar, and word choice. There are strategies a writer can implement to help strengthen awareness of and the ability to correct errors. This article demonstrates several strategies that empower writers to refine their writing.


Consistency throughout writing must be monitored and adjusted as needed. Each of these articles isolates a skill, defines it, and provides techniques to establish uniformity from the beginning to the end of the narrative to create smooth flow readers can understand and enjoy. Awareness creates fluency.

Point of View



Brenda Mahler

Real life person sharing real life stories. Writing about travel, dogs, and healthy lifestyles.