Breaking Through Normality Because I’M-POSSIBLE!

What is Normal and Who Decides That Anyway?

Sharan Sammi
FEM Magazine
6 min readOct 19, 2021


For me whilst growing up, it was my parents who decided the norm. I continuously heard “Do well at school then go to University. Work hard, get your qualifications so you can get a well paid JOB!”

You may have heard the same whilst growing up too.

Hearing this frequently echoing through my mind — I conformed and did just that. In fact, having left university I landed three amazing graduate job offers. How great, you may be thinking. But I was in such a dilemma as to which to choose. I took action and did the most “un-normal” thing ever, at least that’s what my parents thought and counter-interviewed the three managers. Was I nervous? Hell YES! But I knew I was in a great position so I just went for it!

My opening question to each of the three managers was “why should I work for you?” This initiative alone gained me a 9.9% pay rise before I had even stepped foot into the corporate office to start my first official job after university. Totally going outside the box and doing what most would think was impossible sure paid off!

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A year passed and I secured a position in the financial markets team. I was so proud of myself even though I had no experience and faced so much resistance in the office environment, mostly from assistant banking managers who were years into their careers and may have felt stuck. But me? I followed my heart and my passion to successfully advance.

Climbing the corporate banking ladder seemed to be the normal thing many people did. Year after year pay increases, even BIG bonuses and up levelling my experience, I really should have felt deeply fulfilled. After all, this is what people do in society, right? Get good grades and then a well-paid job with a safe and secure monthly income. And yes, I was doing that, but something just didn’t feel right.

Challenging the Status Quo & Even My Own Ego!

Be grateful my parents used to tell me and YES I truly was. My family and friends admired how successful I had become in my banking career in such a short space of time. So I had achieved the status quo, right? This well-paid job? So why did I desire so much more? That inner yearning grew stronger and stronger by the day.

My childhood dreams came out to play, sending my imagination into overdrive when I heard the word “television” from my higher self. My ego-mind went into shutdown and shouted “NO THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE, you have no acting experience. You have a safe and secure job in banking with a monthly salary, you can’t change now — just be grateful!”

But this inner voice kept growing louder as the days passed, I had to take action. I followed my heart and soul over what seemed like an eternity. Three months later, I was signed by a TV agent and the sheer persistence and determination had paid off. I went from background work to TV commercials to then being offered a permanent role on a top UK TV Soap.

I was totally blown away, in fact amazed! What appeared to be so normal getting a well-paid job in banking, that safe and secure job with a monthly income had taken a full 360 degree turn into working on TV. That childhood dream turned into reality before my eyes, my wish fulfilled!

Are you completely fulfilled doing what you do?

What do you desire?

For so many, there is still that unresolved desire of the unfulfilled wish. The wanting of something deep down. But then the fear of actually achieving this far outweighs the pleasure of turning this into a reality. So what can you do to have your wishes fulfilled? Have a look at the steps below.

Seven Steps to Turning Your Dreams into a Reality

  • Clearly identify your number one dream in life. This could be gaining a promotion at work, starting a business, marrying your soul-mate or even sitting on a beach in the Maldives or flying around the Grand Canyon! No judgement here, whatever you desire, you really need to identify this.
  • Gain clarity by describing the details and having a clear picture of your desire.
  • Open up your imagination further and get to the place “AS IF your dream is a reality.” So allow yourself to open up your senses and tap into having achieved your dream:

What does it feel like emotionally

How does it look

What can you see and hear around you

  • Gain self-belief that you can really turn this dream into a reality. I use a powerful affirmation I say daily: “I can, I will, I am!”
  • Take ACTION! Even if this is baby steps. The key here is consistency, taking daily action will create the momentum needed.
  • Notice and give your attention to what is working and what’s not working then change your approach. Keep moving forward. Yes, there may be obstacles, roadblocks or curveballs sending you in a different direction. That’s ok, use this mantra “Thank you, each day I am learning and moving further towards my realised dream!”
  • Be open to receiving. Notice the signs, the opportunities and the doors opening up for you. Everything is now on your side to turn your desires into a reality.

These steps worked for me, going against the status quo of the safe and secure corporate banking career to my passionate desire to get into acting and on TV.

Follow these seven steps and you too can manifest what you desire, reaching your true greatness where Anything is Possible.

Having spent 20 years in banking with a break in between to follow my TV dreams, I now run a successful Training & Development Business. As an Empowerment Coach, Intuitive Healer & Manifesting Mentor, I empower my clients to stay goodbye to their mediocre lifestyle and manifest their most magnificent life ever and create an abundant legacy.

Life is what you make it and Anything is Possible if you put your mind, body, soul, spirit and heart into it: You really can achieve your true greatness.

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About FEM

FEM stands for Feminist Entrepreneurs Magazine (or Finally Eradicating Misogyny, if you’re feeling cheeky), and is a House of Hives publication. We started this magazine to support entrepreneurs who feel disenchanted with the 24/7 hustle culture, the competitive narrative of toxic masculinity and narrow definitions of success, value and wealth that it peddles. We want to talk about balance, the importance of mental health, the power of collaboration and diversity, and much more.

We hope to inspire and support entrepreneurs as they build their businesses in enjoyable and sustainable ways, by sharing stories and tips from thought-leaders and change-makers. Join the mailing list to have the FEM e-magazine sent directly to your inbox.

