Is Caring About Employees’ Health Fundamental In Business?

As part of the ongoing Inspiring Interviews Series, I had the opportunity to sit down with award-winning mindset & wellbeing coach, Charlotte Cheetham.

Mags Thomson (she/her)
FEM Magazine


Charlotte’s passion is to help stressed people in mid-life to find a better way of living through re-discovering confidence, clarity and freedom in their lives. She is an award-winning mindset & wellbeing coach, and also a corporate mental health facilitator and helps businesses to improve mental health in the workplace through running a series of three workshops.

These workshops teach managers and their staff how the brain functions, the negative impact technology has on us, how we can reduce stress and how we can improve work performance.

How did you get here?

After marrying my husband who was a pilot in the RAF, I found myself moving house every six to twelve months for 16 years. During that time I felt isolated as my husband spent many weeks away on detachment with the RAF.

Being stuck at home and raising 3 children almost single-handedly was difficult. I had no family support and never had the opportunity to get to know anyone locally very well so life was lonely. Although I…



Mags Thomson (she/her)
FEM Magazine

Capturing Case-Studies and Testimonials for Coaches and Service-Based Entrepreneurs