Working From Home Made Easy

Susanne Grant
FEM Magazine
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2021

Many of us are struggling to find a balance between work and home right now. The increasingly demanding pressure on families shouldn’t be ignored. But what can you do if you are struggling with your work-life balance?

Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

Whether you’ve always struggled or only found yourself in this situation in more recent times, there are things you can start doing today to improve your situation drastically. These are five easy tips to increase your well-being whilst working from home.

Tip 1 — Communicate

It sounds so simple, yet this is the biggest one I see my clients struggle with. You have to start communicating your needs with those living with you. Many times, I see the women automatically put their business on hold so they can take care of the children at home. At first, it was just for a few weeks which was “fine” but now as we are months into the pandemic, this is not working at all. Talk to your partner(s) and discuss what you need in this situation. Make sure the conversation is solution orientated and you are not just venting on each other.

Tip 2 — Get everyone on board

Especially working from home, it can feel like it all lands on your shoulders. In fact, it is not your responsibility alone. So, as you communicate your needs and requirements get every other member of the household on board. If you have older children or other housemates, include them too. With everyone living together in small spaces, you need to make sure the basics get done for example laundry, dishes, food, fresh air and general wellbeing. Divide the tasks and rotate. Everyone can do their share.

Tip 3 — Set boundaries

It is so easy to fall into the trap, when we are home we are always available. But the two aren’t the same thing. If you need to work, and so does your partner, but someone also needs to look after the children and the thousands of questions, you’ve got to set firm boundaries. If you are working, block out 1 or 2 hours at a time and switch so everyone gets their work done and the children are taking care of as well. Communicate these times clearly and set firm boundaries, such as “I cannot be interrupted for the next 2 hours”. Use these hours to your full advantage: turn off your phone and social media, and focus on the tasks at hand.

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Tip 4 — Plan ahead but be flexible

Making a plan and setting firm boundaries is important. BUT, working from home is NOT the same as working at the office. Sometimes plans go completely down the drain and that is absolutely ok! However, if you cannot get anything done, go back to tip 1 and express what you think is needed so you can.

Tip 5 — Forgive yourself

Life is messy. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot! Whether you are self-employed or working for someone else, you are not going to get this perfect 100% of the time. Give yourself a break and love yourself through this challenging time. Remember, slow but steady progress is still progress. There is no need to crash and burn.

The way we are working is changing for good. With many of us now forced to work from home in full or partial capacity, it is becoming clear that continuing as we used to is NOT working at all. The boundaries between work and life are blurring and we discover we all just have “life”. I believe it is time to open up the dialogue and discuss what is needed from work 2.0. I hope these five tips, will help you in your current situation. And remember, you’ve got this!

Connect with Susanne Grant on LinkedIn. You can find out more at Curious about creating a work-life balance that actually works? Take Susanne’s fun & free 60-second quiz and discover your unique success strategy. Visit her website now.

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About FEM

FEM stands for Feminist Entrepreneurs Magazine (or Finally Eradicating Misogyny, if you’re feeling cheeky), and is a House of Hives publication. We started this magazine to support entrepreneurs who feel disenchanted with the 24/7 hustle culture, the competitive narrative of toxic masculinity and narrow definitions of success, value and wealth that it peddles. We want to talk about balance, the importance of mental health, the power of collaboration and diversity, and much more.

We hope to inspire and support entrepreneurs as they build their businesses in enjoyable and sustainable ways, by sharing stories and tips from thought-leaders and change-makers. Join the mailing list to have the FEM e-magazine sent directly to your inbox.



FEM Magazine
FEM Magazine

Published in FEM Magazine

We hope to inspire and support entrepreneurs as they build their businesses in enjoyable and sustainable ways, by sharing stories and tips from thought-leaders and change-makers.

Susanne Grant
Susanne Grant

Written by Susanne Grant

Susanne Grant is an Award-winning Keynote Speaker & Work-Life Balance Integration Expert

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