Barinder Sandhu Outlines Resources for Women Entrepreneurs in Canada

Barinder Sandhu
Female Empowerment with Barinder Sandhu
3 min readMay 20, 2020

There are more women entrepreneurs in Canada than ever before, but that does not mean that progress is no longer necessary. Although women are making their mark on the business world, entrepreneurship is a realm still largely dominated by men. Progress is happening, but one truth remains certain: women face more obstacles in their entrepreneurial goals than their male counterparts. Thankfully, certain organizations, companies, and industry leaders like Barinder Sandhu are committed to closing that gap.

As the CEO and founder of Evergreen Pharma Solutions, Barinder Sandhu understands firsthand the distinct difficulties faced by female entrepreneurs. In an effort to pass the torch and assist other women on their entrepreneurial journeys, she has compiled this list of resources for female entrepreneurs in Canada. Whether you are a woman running a small independent business or an industry-leading, large-scale corporation, these tools and organizations exist to help you and your business excel.

Resources for Starting a Business

If you are not an entrepreneur yet but you have distinct business goals, the Government of Canada offers up these tips for formally registering your business — a measure which is required to happen before your company even opens its doors.

In order to register your business, you will need to know your business type, where your main office will be located, in which territories you plan to operate, and your intended business name. Once you have aligned those basic details, you will want to move forward with the business registration process. For help with these steps, the government of Canada offers region-specific support.

Tools for Business Planning

Before formally launching your business venture, Barinder Sandhu strongly recommends crafting a concrete and detailed business plan. Ultimately, this formal written document will serve as a roadmap which outlines your goals and details how you plan to achieve them. Ideally, it will also summarize your business strategy, growth path, financial background, and marketing plan.

For help with crafting this essential document, the Government of Canada offers information on business plans and templates to help you get started. You may also want to check out this practical guide for conducting market research, which will help you pinpoint your market, enter it efficiently, and begin attracting customers in your target demographics.

Financing for Women Entrepreneurs

Many entrepreneurial ventures require initial funding to kick-start their company. Barinder Sandhu highlights that the Government of Canada offers a dynamic support tool which helps match businesses with the best-fitting programs and services from federal, provincial, and territorial governments.

Alternatively, independent province-specific help may also be available on an individual basis. For women in Ontario, Barinder Sandhu recommends researching opportunities offered by PARO Centre for Women’s Enterprise and the Microlending for Women in Ontario Program. Those in Alberta may find the Alberta Women Entrepreneurs organization helpful. In addition to these, other region-specific opportunities exist.

Support and Networking Organizations for Women

Networking is an essential, foundational part of any successful business venture. Barinder Sandhu recommends that women launching entrepreneurial ventures capitalize on some of the many networking communities which exist to help women excel. Resources like mentorship programs will also likely prove advantageous.

A few of the top networking and mentorship organizations promoted by the Government of Canada include the Businesswomen in International Trade, Mompreneurs, Women Entrepreneurship Strategy, and the WBE Canada Certification. These programs can help you connect with other professionals, build your skillsets, and ultimately advance your business.



Barinder Sandhu
Female Empowerment with Barinder Sandhu

Barinder Sandu — CEO of Evergreen Pharma Solutions — Brampton, Ontario.