What’s In My Bag?

Jennifer Blumberg, Founder of Kamego.net & 36hrs.in

Female Entrepreneurs of the World


FEW Member Profile

FEW (Female Entrepreneurs of the World) is an international organization that supports gender equality and the advancement of women in entrepreneurship. FEW provides a community for entrepreneurs to share experiences in the hopes that transparency of information will inspire others in their entrepreneurial journey.

This week we are featuring FEW member Jennifer Blumberg—and this is what happens when you empty an entrepreneur’s bag and force them to talk about it.

What’s in my Bag: Jennifer Blumberg

Co-Founder of Kamego + 36hrs.in + Member of FEW

Question 1: Where do you live? South Africa -> Canada -> USA -> France -> India -> Chile

Question 2: What is your company? Kamego — Productivity and database management applications for the social sector. You can find out more on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Question 3: Which item in your bag best represents your business? The Advil, because we have identified the pain (points) and are relieving them. (Ha! This was too easy.)

Question 4: If you had to give up everything but one item from your bag, which would you keep and why? I'd keep my sunglasses because it took me a really long time to find a pair that fits my face perfectly.

Question 5: What is your first-world problem? I like to sing in the shower. And I like to record songs on my iPhone. But iPhones can't get wet so I can't do those two things at the same time.

Jennifer Blumberg is an entrepreneur and tech geek currently based in Santiago, Chile. You can find more information about her projects at kamego.net and 36hrs.in.



Female Entrepreneurs of the World

Female Entrepreneurs of the World supports gender equality and the advancement of women in entrepreneurship. Contact: @holaFEW / holaFEW@gmail.com